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1976-10-13 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1976-10-13 PC Minutes
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MINU'tE8 OF TIIE MOUND9 VIEW <br />PLANNIN(3 QOMMT39T~N <br />ootober 13, 1976 <br />/~ <br /> <br />The Mounde View Pianning Commieeion was os].led to order at the City Nall <br />by 1te ohairpereon Barbara Haake a4 ~:30 pm on Wedneeday, Ootober 13, <br />1976. The foZlowing members were prosant: Nanoy Burmeieter,aerald <br />Foeo, Peu1 Fador, Phyllie Hlannhard, Don Mackeben snd Barbara Haake. <br />Abeent weres Allan 2epper and Robert plaxer, la4ber being exoueed. <br />The minutas for the 3eptember 22, 1976, maeting were aorreated ae followa:. <br />in the lab paragraph, 1st pa~e, tho name "Roberb 5oea" ehouid be delebed. <br />On page 3, lOCh paragraph, 4th senEenoe, atCer the ward "eide"and before <br />the word "of" insert L•he words "of Lote 3 k 4". On paga 4, 6th ~are6ra~h, <br />delete, in the 3rd eenbenoe, the word "t?ie" and lnaert ths word 'takisig~, <br />and after the word °weot,'~ dolate the worda "r,he east border line of <br />Cenbury Merour~ Freight Compsay wou2d hava a b4 foob rond eaoement <br />takan nnd that the eaeement wou],d axbend soubh" and insert in lieu <br />thereof the words "going snuth along the iveat border line of Centu~ry <br />Mercury Freight Company for a width of 60 feet to~'. <br />MSP (Hlanchard-Foso) to approve the minutea of 3eptember ZZ, 1976 ae <br />oorreoted, g ayea <br />ITEI~LS FOR CONSIllERATION <br />Rodna Robinean <br />roperty n~ vo~Tved: B34U Y,ong Lake Rd <br />Minor Subdivision (1 lot into 2) <br />Applicant's property messures 465.2 x 75•O1 fronting both Long Lake Rd <br />and Ureenwood Dr. The requeat Sa to eubdivide bhe lot 'creating two <br />lote; lot fronting Ureenwood Drive 9:o be 195.03 x 75.01 and the lat <br />Tronting Long Lake Rd to be 270.17 x 75•~1. The exiating ahed looated <br />on proposed west lot should be relocated nn the east lob meeting <br />aetbsok rmquiremente and staff recammende total rear eesement of 4U.47 <br />on the'east 10~ for ubiliby pur~oses. <br />MSP (BUrmeister-Aedorl to reaommend to the Council that they approve <br />tha minor subdivision requeat 7f Rodney Robineon, 8340 Long Leke Rd, <br />with the above deeoribed dimensians end that there has to be a rear <br />easgment of 44.47 on tt~e eset lot Por utiliiy purpvsea aiid b1AO ohod <br />on the went lot wi12 have to be removed before the deed is filed. <br />6 ayes <br />Steve's A lianaes <br />roP perty invo ved: 28A1 Hightr~ay 10 <br />Variance (reduation o: required perking spaces) <br />Steve Dnhlmeier appeared for Steve Singer. Applicant wiehes te expand <br />his prenent buainees with an addition to hi9 axlating building. The <br />addition will include warehousa ~paea oP 6,750 aq St end an additional <br />showroom aree of 1568 aq ft. 3L•aff etated that a bUS±nass of'this size <br />ehow floor room needa a minimum of 3~ park2ng apaoes and applioant <br />has anly provided for 26. A2oo the minimum setbaoks of 10' ohould be <br />upheld. <br />
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