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_2.. <br />Ms. Dlanohsrd etated bhat ehe had epeken with the eCaff previously about <br />the quesbion of eloaing the lsb erttrance, beoause brafff.o will be <br />~ brought down to Che residential. Btaff reaommends bhat the moat south <br />aurb aut locatsd along aroveland Rd be removed. They fRel that the <br />looation of thie ourb oub ie a conetant potentigl traTflo problem. <br />Ms. Burmeister asked if the Pire marahall shouldn't oheck if they plan <br />to uoe the tanks? Sbaff etabed that bhe oonseneus wae thab nothing <br />would have to be eheoked. They furthe:~ atxbed that by removing the <br />ebove menbioned nurb out it would allow addibionel parallel psrking <br />spacee nexL to the ourb. <br />~An. Baeke aeked Mr. 9lnqer how many spaaes wou7.d be utilized by the <br />emplnyeen, eta, Mr. 9inger rhp~ied bhat they sre not there very long-- <br />~ust ooma in and get parte, eto. Everything i~ L•aken home in the <br />evaning exoept one truck. He needs the warehouse epsoe end wante to <br />geb bha building up ae ~toon ae posaible. The supply Lruoks uee the, <br />axit on 10--that ia the ona they wouifl like to aes leTt, Me. IIlanohard <br />regeated tihat bhe only thing ehe ob~eota to in h~svin~ the eouth one <br />oloaed is that ali the treffic is coming in on bhe resSderttial aroa. <br />A citi~an asked what assuranoe Se therethat this may not be aold and <br />areate a lot more traff~.a9 Mr. 3inger reolied that they plan to stay <br />thera. He is not going to be there ,~urt a year, end he has aone <br />ri~nning the buainesa with him. <br />Councilman Snelquiet stated that it wae tranaferred from a gae station <br />to an applianoo~ etore easily--eo it could be converbed otherwise es <br />,,.-. vrell, Chie should be consSdered. <br />f ~ Mr. 51ng~x,stated that ?~nnything ie poeaible but they arr~ planning St t~ <br />~.,J be an sppllaane etars and n4thing else. <br />Mr. Fedor etated bhat bir. Singer is running a healthy business now. <br />If he neede the parking spaaes he will be down to get them. <br />MSP (Foas-Fedor) that we grant the va^ianoa r.equeat for 3teve 3inger <br />of 9teve~e A P1lanaea at 2841 Highws;; 10. The varianoe would be to <br />radur,e the 3~ PBrking spaces to 26 apaces as prov3dud in his plen, <br />and bo approve the plan as submitted with bhe~e exceptions: that !:hare <br />be a 10 footi aetbaok along the north alde of the lot,, eub~eat to them <br />entering Snto a contract with the City wiCh acaeptabie landsoaping, <br />lighbing and snow ramoval plan. The reaeon we are grancing a variance <br />la thah i.n thie type of businesa ib is not neceseary to have 34 parkinq <br />spaoea. , <br />5 eyes <br />1 nay <br />Mr. Mackeben etated that he voted nay beaauae we are talking about <br />roughly a 23% variance in the riumber of parking apaces. We do no0 <br />reall,y know Lhe total future use of the buildinA and it is an excessive <br />varianco. <br />Walter F. Bauer <br />r~perby nvoived: 7644-4$-52-59-Waodlawn Ar <br />Duplex Development (2-2 unit bulldings) <br />~ ~: <br />