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1976-10-13 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1976-10-13 PC Minutes
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-4- <br />Mr. Fedor eCated that garagae have been one herdehip we havA boen <br />~A"~ allnwing. <br />1 f <br /> Foen stated that ha wou13 go to 73 feet. <br />Ma. Dlsnahard a~reed. At thisstage the 'j0 feet Sa adequate. <br />Me. Hurmeister stated that ahe would go 73 Sf the driveway ie aheoked out., <br />Mr. Fsdor felt that he would go nlong with 73 .feeb or even ~1.2. <br />Mr, Meokeben egld that he wa~ oppoaed t~ the varianee. Would 7.ike to <br />eee the @2y Peet idoally. ~ <br />Me. Haake also wanted to aee 82--we have mado people move gareges before. ' <br />3taff reoommended denying the requeet and aeeing ST thoy have anobher one. ' <br />MSP (Fedor-Hurmeiater) that we reaommend denial cf the eubdivieion ~ <br />requeet of Mara R. Adsme, 8004 Red Uak Dr, ae preaented. The reaeon <br />Se that the axiating garege loaated on the north lot would have only <br />a~y f~ot satbaek from 1;he propoeod lot 11ne, 6 ayee <br />8taff stated that in the Payne Addition you approved tt, aub~eot to ' <br />stipulations. They will marely move the line and it will be reviewed <br />to make sare it meets ,your requiremente. <br />The Adama otatad that it was a11 right to eay 70 or ~1 feet, but thev <br />would not be willing to move the garags. <br />M3P (Fedor-Foes) to recommend te bhe Counoil that theyapprove the <br />°'~ minor subdiviaion requeat of Marc R. Adams, 8004 Red Ook Dr; the south <br />i ) lot being i3 x 231 and tha norL•h lot being 92.11 z 231, with a aide <br />~`~-~~ yard variance of 1.8 feet on the garage exieting on the north lot <br />and the drivaway. There wili alao be a 9.5 varianoe on the f:ontage <br />of the eouth lot . <br />4 ayea <br />2 nays <br />M3P (Burmeistar-Hltsnchard7 to resoind the action of the previoua motion ~ <br />as stated: to recommend to the Council that they approve the minor ; <br />eubr!.ivZalor~ request of Marc R. Adsma, 8004 Red Oak Dr; the sauth lot y' <br />being 73 ~ 231 and the north lot boing 92 J•1 x 291, with a side yard i <br />~ variance of L 8 feet on the garage exiating on the north ].ot and the <br />i driveway. Tii~re will also be a 9.5 vsriance on the frontr~ge of the ~ <br />snuth lot. ~ <br />i 4 ayes i <br />~ Fosa-1 nay i <br />~ Mackdbon- 1 abet. ~ <br />! MSP (F'Pdor-BUrmeiater) to recommand to the Counc'_1 that t~ey apprave ~ <br />the minor subdivinlnn xequest of Marc R. Adams, 8004 Red Oak Dr; the <br />i south lot being T3 x 231 and the north 10~ being 92.11 x 231, wlth a side j <br />yard variance of 1.8 feet on the garage pxisting on the north lot and v <br />the driveway. There will also be a 9.5 variance on the fi~on~age <br />; of the south ].ot. The petibioner will oubmit to the Council a correot <br />surveyor's certificate with these dimensione on it. ihe otarr ahould <br />"`'~ examine ~ahere the drlveway is situated and make eure that it etays ~ <br />~~ a minimum oS 3 fRet from the eouth lot lirte, N ayes ! <br />2 naye ' <br />
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