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-5- <br />D~~orot~h,~~ ~M. ~Hioharddon <br />ropeY rty n o v~ed~.-~443 Red Oak Dr <br />/~ Minor Subdivisipn (1 lot into 2) <br />i ~ <br />The lot now ie aFproximately 80 x 479. Applioant wiehea to m&ke two <br />lota; the weet lot fronCing tied oak Dr would be 81 x 239, anS the eaet <br />1ob faciag 8unnysSde Rd would be 81 x 234• <br />MSP (Mgakeben-Filanohard) to reaommend to the C:rnoil that they approve <br />bhe mittor eubdivieion bf Dorothy M. Riohardaon, d443 Red Oak Dr, <br />rcqueabing the property Go be aubdivided ir~co two lote, the east lot <br />being 81 x 234, west lot being 81 x 239, with $ foat utility easements <br />at the roar of each lot. <br />6 aYes <br />Hugh A. IIiakinson <br />~oper~y :nvo ve : 8068 Eastwood Dr <br />Code Interpretatien Appea7. ~; <br />Applioant requ~sts a permit L-o build a garage on the undeveloped ~ oF <br />hia lot. Ha stated thet he has two lote; h@ 11ves on the north y, <br />arid wanta to build a garage on bhe south ~. Zt ie Segally divided. <br />starr stated that he was denied a permit on the grounda that he would <br />not have a home on that lot. <br />Mr. Mackeben abated hha~ the question Se, if you hnve a lot ca~ you <br />buLd a garsga before you have a prinoiple build3ng? Staff replied <br />that the interpretation o:C the code and how the Commiasionere feel it <br />~ ehould read iu the question hare. <br />Coanoilman shelquiet etatAd that tha 2ega1 opinion from bhe attorney <br />should govern their aationa. <br />Mr. Fosa atated that• ha would not feel comPortable going againet hts <br />c~inion.,~ Sl~elquiat etata~ that it would probabiy be ~rYi <br />to reqaeat a wrlbten opinion from Atty Meyers. <br />MSY (Hsake-Fedor) to table the request of Hugh A. D1eki~scn, 8068 <br />Eastwood Dr, so tha~c we may have staff request Ei~at AtCy Meyera ~rite <br />us a le$a7. opinion oancerning the code 3nterpretaCion of MVCC, Chp. 40,03, <br />sub. ~1 (5). 'Phe thing that precipiL•ated this request to Mr. Meyere <br />for his interpretation of tha nbove menLlonad aubdlv3sion is Chat <br />Mr. Dickineon requesbed to hava a garage bu32t on a lot in Mounda <br />We would like to heve Atty Meyer~s rasgonsa by the next <br />rommission meuting on ootober 27, 1976. <br />6 ayge <br />Ms. Hurmeistar atatad that ahe thought bhe Planning Comml~bion ahauld <br />btske the initiabive and come up with a definiti~n oP e~ garage and an <br />acceesory building. <br />~ <br />