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1976-10-13 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1976-10-13 PC Minutes
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-6- <br />T. W, Willmue <br />/"'~ roperEy nvolveds 268~ Couttty Rd H2 <br />~ y Apt. aarage Faoillties (26 unite) <br />Applioent proposes ~o build a 26 unit garago faaility to be loaabed <br />in exisEing open park3ng lot. <br />Mr. Willmue etated Chat the whole pr~~got wae deeigned to aoaommodaCe <br />garagee. There would ba nr, dimenaional change. The oritioai dimeneion <br />is to and from the eL•reet. He hae residenta who want garagae, they aare <br />about th'eir po~aeasions. The north 4 garagen will bb +!aq~ ~or their <br />own malnCenanae equxpment. Thero will be no briok on the garage, they <br />wi11 be rough ceds: atained green. It w111 not af£ect the green area <br />of thn apartment aomplex a4 all. Furthex~, all lata are well lit. <br />Ms. Burmelater stated th2t the Gitch ie a hazard and the utaPS etnted <br />that the aomprehansive plan cuvers thle problem. <br />Mr. Willmus contSnued, atating thaC they feei t1~at the~~ w111 hQVe a <br />more stable residenay by pi•oviding theae garages. Mr. Fedor asked <br />about the fire chief and Mr. Willmuo replied that he said he had no <br />p:obl~m. Staff ststed bhat the fire ohief had been ooneulted and hsa <br />etated that the sisle may be wide enaugh. He Ptrele that if at a <br />latar dote the aisle is not gdequote, Che p~rking curb can be expanded <br />to give more w3dth Eo the ai~le. <br />r-~ ms. Haake stated that once they give him this one building with ei~les <br />~ ~ nf 19 Seet they sre setting a preoedenL. <br />~ Me. Burmelater asked, if we have required evoryone else ~o go 2~ feeL, <br />how can we do thisZ <br />Mr: Bedor eaid we ara not ~uet laoking at this one, we may ~e looking <br />at, 5 or 6 more. <br />,! M3P (Foss-Blanahard) to x•eaommend tio the Couneil and 3lreot the staff <br />~ to iasue a building permib to T. W. Willmue at 2685 County Rd H2, <br />to permit them to buS.ld a 26 unit garage Tacility in the ap~co tha~ <br />~ they raqueatad here. <br />3 ayea <br />2 nays <br />1 abst <br />MA. Hurmeie~gr stated that ahe votad nay beaauee it ie going to be <br />a large quantity of bu3lding that is going bo take up a ioti of open <br />' spaoe. We will have ~ust one meae of buil.di.nge there. <br />MSP to ad~ourn st 11:30 pm. <br />fteapeotfully aubm7.tL'ed, <br />~~,,~~ i <br />y . oa~~i Tm-'_"f` ._ i <br />aording 9eorebary <br />r <br />~ <br />
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