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1976-12-08 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1976-12-08 PC Minutes
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~ <br />~" ) <br />''"-.1 <br />`,,,.,J <br />MINIITB3 OF THE MOUNDS V2EW <br />PLANNIN6 COMMYSSION <br />Deaember 8,1976 <br />The Mounda View Planning Commisaion w~~ ~a11ad to ordar st the City Hall <br />by ita ch$irperaon, Barbara Hnake, at 7:30 pm on Wednesday, Deoember 8, <br />1976. The :ollowing membera were px~esent: Nanay Burmeieter, Paul Fe1or, <br />Phyllle Blanchard, Allan Zepper, Robert Ola~er, Don Maokeben, ~erald <br />Foes and barbara Haake. Alno preeent were:Couneilfigh Shelqulat and 3teva <br />Roae. <br />The minubea for the November ttieetin~ were oorrected ae Tollowe: Qn page <br />1, 2nd paragraph, it should read: We are aarrying it under a variance <br />rulingv. <br />Ct3P (Fr~Re-6lazer) bo npprove the minubee of November 10,1976. ae <br />cox•rected. ~ ayee <br />Ms. Haake aUatained as ahe had not been present at h•he 1 abet <br />November meeting. <br />ITEMS FOR CONBIDERA'TION <br />Norberb Moe <br />Propexty ~nvolved: <br />Ma~or Subdiviaiont <br />1 lot into 9. <br />8373 & 8379 Red Oak Dr <br />Moe Homestesd Addition <br />Leroy L. ~4eyerson appeared for the above request. <br />MSP (6lanchard-Blarmeister) to remove bhe Norbert Moe request from the <br />table. 8 ayes <br />The proposal is to subdivide one lot which' 1s 473 x 405 inbo 9 loEe. <br />5 lota will be 91 x z34 facing Sunnyside Etoad;and 4 lote will be <br />Red Oak Drive ,~wo of whiah wi11 be 89.5 x 239 and 1 lob to be 112 x 239 <br />and ttie last lot to be 17.4 x 239• <br />Steve Rose stated that ihe new preliminary plab in taking an additional <br />8 feet on Red Oak ae that is the only way that the county will aacept'lt. <br />ne re~nlnaen cna ccmmxaeio6 tnac in *.!Ie paet cney have givan tne ?7 Peet, <br />it is only on Red Oak LYiat ~he~ have been consSntently against it. <br />Fixrbher, D1r. Rose eteted thst after reviewing it lgain the st~sff would <br />like to see 5 foot utillty easements taken in every lot going in Che <br />East and Wegt direction. The reaeon is becauee of the land contoura <br />whiah require additional drainap,e and utllity aasements. <br />M5P {Fosa-Zepper) to recommend to the Council that they gretnt the <br />ma~or subdivision of Norbert Moe, 9373 ~ 8379 Red Oak Drive, known as <br />Moe Flomeatee.d Addition, with the fo].lowing cqnditions: drainage and <br />utility aesementa on the 7orth and eouth 5 feet of Lot 1, north 5 feet <br />, of Lot 2, south 5 feet oT Lo'c 4, north and south 5 feet of Lot 5, no•rth <br />f and south 5 feet of Lot 6, north an3 ctouth 5 feat of Lot 7, north arid <br />~~~~~ south y feet of Lob 8, and souCh 5 fer~t af Lot 9, and tn delete the <br />praposed 8 foot easement on Red Ouk Drive on the prelim4nary plat, <br />dimenoions as etated above. 8 ayes <br />
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