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-z- <br />Jamee B. Jaa~son <br />Proper y nvolved: 2935 Highway 10 <br />e+'1 Rezoning R-1 to H-2 (offiaa bullding) <br />( ; <br />Me. Haake explained that the lot 1e 102.~ Uy approximatoly 600 feet deep <br />end Mr. Jaakson wiehee to eonatruot an offioe building on thie properby. <br />It id all reeidential exoept a gag sCation at 2900 Highway 10. The <br />Compreheneive Plttn atatee thab we do not want more atrip zonin~ elong <br />Highway 10. It le now medlum denaity. <br />Mr. Jaokeon etated that thia Uuildinq ie for his own uee and he will uae <br />1t ad gn ~ffloe rentel building. There is no struoture on it at present. <br />Comm. Foae eaid that when the Commisaion aame up with the Comprehensive <br />Plan he never dld agrea that Ehie should be reeidential. Unlese we want <br />te pay high proparty taxe~i we have to think about letting more oTfioe <br />buildinga in or eamething. <br />Comm. Fedur said that it Se too muoh commeraiel into too emall a lot. <br />Stave ttoee etated that he fe7.t they sriculd think along the lines that <br />Rn~ilwood will be extended at eome point tsnd thai would oreate two <br />buildable lote. <br />Mn. Haeke steted that ehe Pelt that in CYds esse we had a Comprehonsive <br />Plan drswn up and we should oC~ak with it. <br />~~ Comm. Maokeben said that the Commiseion spent a aonaiderable amount of <br />time eva:uating it, it went to the citizene of Mounds View, it was <br />_.. approved, and ir we are going to be eonatatent, wa shouid live by that <br />plan. <br />Dir. Rooe eaid that tl~ere are a number oY small lots along Highway .ti0 <br />end iP you rezone thia ona you ehould add somebhlnq to the Qomprehensiva <br /> Would itave no dc~fense'in donying other futUre :~quests. <br />Comm. Fose said that he thought they ehould think of what we ure going <br />tn do with thla atrip and he doee not sgree that the beat uae is <br />residential zoning of this l~rid. <br />MS (rador-6laakeben) to recommend to the Counail thnt they deny the <br />requeet of Jamea H. Jackson for rezoninR from R1 to II2 becauae it is in <br />direot oonflict wi,th the City~e ComprghenalVe Plan in that it would <br />tend to further conr.ontrate ~ommercial dove'lopment alona Ilighway 10 and this <br />would bc~ aSxrlP aommc+rcist rezon3ng. aopper-nay <br />c3laaer-nay <br />Blanchard-nay <br />Fose-nay <br />Chairperaon kaake 7,ndicated that a tie vote is a denial Haake-aye <br />of the request. Burmeieter-aye <br />Mackeben-aye <br />Fe6or~-aye <br />Comm. Fose atated that xn thia a4se he £elt they ehou2c2 tabia it and <br />dieausa it as +3 Planning Commioaion ae Co whether we want to ohange the <br />Plan or anything. <br />Me. Heake se~d that e oomprehenoive plan haa L•aken on muoh weight in Court. <br />Tlyis was adoptad a yeAr aQo. We haven't even had it in exietenoe and <br />QlxRgsy ynu want t~ ahip 8way at it. The Council fldoptAd it. <br />