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1977-02-09 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1977-02-09 PC Minutes
Entry Properties
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_a_ <br />Paul Fedur etated that they are <br />~~~ lookinq at a warehouse or whnt. <br />allow a cor,unerr,la7. building to <br /> to get soms more opinions. <br />I <br />1 <br />I <br />i~. ~l <br />~ ~.~~ <br />~ ~ <br />on gray ar~a ae to wheCher we are <br />He does not eee any way where we aould <br />be buiit on the property line. He would <br />Mr. Livingaton reolled that the purpose of setting the building whera it <br />is is tu get the 30 foot seti,ack. <br />Mr. Rose said that tho first atep that they will have to taka ia to replat <br />and to go through the lega.l proceas of joining that property. The <br />Planning Commie,sion ahould recommend basicaliy what kind o£ setbaoke <br />he should be looking at. <br />Me. Haake quaetioned the show room and salea af boate, etc. Mr.. Livingaton <br />replied that the retail portion ia mostly parts--the amount• of of£ice <br />apace would be rather emall. Showzoom epace would Ue probably not more <br />than 800 or 90p feet, with regard to f:he electrical company. <br />Ms. fiaake n4ntinued: In the showroom for the cycles thene would be <br />6500 sq feet• that would include the ehow oounter. The warehouse wae <br />E600 eq feet, electrical ~ahop about 2900 sq feet, 800 - 900 wuuld be <br />ahow room j boat sales and repair would be 4800 aq feet, with the ahowroom <br />a amall part o£ that. At this point, she stated that she felt it would <br />go undar light industrial. <br />Mr. Fedar atated that he felt they could live with this with eome proper <br />setbnoka and a decent lookinq buitdin~. <br />Mr. Glazer atated that with reapect to the adjoining property and overall <br />plan--we wi11 be eatablishing a amall ahipping activity and this can be <br />a key to what ie going to happen further down on Silver Lake Rd and Red <br />Oak Drive. We cannot etop hea~y truck traffic on Highway 10, Uut aomething <br />muat be cione to aseure that we cati keep the tri~eks from Silver Lake Rd. <br />They should come in and of£ Hiqhway 10. <br />Ms. aurmeiater atated that she could live with the concept , but doean't <br />like this buslness out in limbo--would like it all developed as a PUD. <br />Mr. Foes said that he thinks the develcpment fn11e i~zto the category of <br />Highway eusiness District. It ie comp3rable with the new plan as long as <br />provision is made that if neceseary, at a future date, they can develop <br />the roads. He would raEner Qee tyo two cuts ~tay in there. He asked <br />if they plan to remove the houae7 <br />Mr. Livingaton replied that the intent £rom hie own personal viewpoint would <br />be that they could put another building there an~ another building Lo the <br />East, the reet to the soukh and east would become parking. <br />Me. Naake stated tttaS: Mr. ~Livinqston probably has~ 5 CommiRSionera qoing <br />according to his plene. However, she ia a ataunch supporter of the new <br />plan and her interpretation ia tha.t it comes under liqht industrial. <br />She atated that she supporta the comprehensive plan and does not suppost <br />the type of useaye that he is presentinq. <br />Mr.. Livingoton stated that he will go back to the investors and say that <br />they cannot get tlie go ahead. <br />
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