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~ Paul Fodor stated thoy hsd a meeting wiLh the Council snd tha <br />Planning Commission and discussed recreational vehicles. At <br />that time, they decided they cuuid perk them in ihe front yard, <br />and hoped in the winter tY.ey would store them. <br />Ms Haake then statod they will have to get a Jofinition, and <br />thinks tney wiil have to have anotlaer session to have something <br />go to the Council. Possibly thoy will have a planning session <br />and the people can sit ead listen to the~ :.ork it out~ They <br />have had input, but it has bean rather onesided. Ms Naaka gsvo <br />tho peopl~ presenC until 8;15 to further discuss the matter. <br />A citizen stated that on commercial vehicles there should be a <br />grand£athor r.lauso. His neighbor got a permit to put in a <br />driveway to handle the truck, and now they aro telling him ha <br />cannot park it thera. Na hes been parking there since 1952. <br />He requested the Planning Commission find out tivhy the Villega <br />issue3 this permit for this spec~al drivaway. <br />Ms Haake stated she £elt they shouid come up with snmething alse <br />to pass on t~ the Council. Sho did not feal that an actual <br />public hasring ~,~as going to do much. If penp19 are wanted on <br />tha other sida, let us really "~irum up publicity'~. <br />MSP (Surmaister-Dlanchard) that we have a working hesring <br />whenever we can come up with a date, Tha peopla can come and <br />~~ listen if they Iike. It was sat for M~y 25 at 8:00 PM. <br />Commission Foss stated thore would be a public hearing anyhow <br />by ehe Councti befnre the ordinance would be changed. <br />Donuld P S~ach <br />Property involved: 2'l45 Oekwood Drivo <br />Variance (locate garage 2'.from property lino) <br />Enginear Hubbard explaine3 the applicant requests tu buiiding an <br />addition to liis homa and garage which would place the garago <br />addition two feet from his wast property line. Appiicent~s <br />lot is 75' wide. He prasently has approximately 11' of sideyard <br />to the east and 10~ of sicleysrd to *..he west, which is his garage <br />side. The hnuse loae.ted wast of applteant's property has approxi^ <br />mateiy 15' setbnck batween tha wast naighbor's hause aad the <br />applicant~s garage. Applicant's homo is 22~ x 30', garaga is <br />14' x 20' with a L~'aezowuy attechment of 8~ x 1Q~. <br />Mr Beach stated that the variance is far the gsrage, bscause thst <br />±s y:ItFl:'9 1~c: n~~ads tha room, but is also en 11' x 22' addition to <br />the house. Ha is positive tliat ho vri22 nt+t he building on, his <br />neighbor's proper~y as this has been checker~, Further, he has <br />his neighbor's written permission. <br />~ MSP (Blanchard-2epper) to recommend to the Cuuncil approval of <br />the +iariance for ponald F Beach, 2265 Oakwood Drive, of three <br />faet far the ga*aga.. <br />8 Ayes <br />