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- 11 - <br />• ,~`~y RECflEATIONAI VEHICLES <br />r ; MSP (Mackeb~n-Glaxerj Co remove from the table the sub,~ect of recr•eational vehicles. <br />6 Ayes <br />Ms Haake move that we redefine the term recreational vehicle. The recreatianai <br />vehicie is a non-comnercial vehicle designed for recreatioaal purposes not to <br />exceed 2d' in overall tength. 1 restate the existing ordinance that said recrea- <br />tlonal vehicles shall be parked only in the sideyard or backyard. I aiso recomnend <br />to the Council thc pnssage of the definitions listed in the memo dated June 8, 1977. <br />7hese elght definitions cen be found previously stated in these minutes, <br />Motion died fnr lack af a second. <br />Ms 9lanchard recommended that they throw out thr. whote nrdirancz. She felt it is <br />unenforceable and an infrinqement on citizens' rights to o~vr property. <br />Ms Ourmeister state she wouid ~o far 26' with no front yard parking. Side and rear <br />perking on1y. <br />Ms Haake stated 28', side and rear parking only. Front yard parking nnly undar <br />condittonat use permit. <br />Mr Giazer said 28', and 30' fran the curb in the front yard, <br />Mr Fedor statad the maximum length of 28', side an~l rear yard parking, front yard <br />~ parking to withi~~ a minimum of 30' from the street surface. <br />~~ Mr Mackeben stated not to exceed 26'. Front yard parking 30' fram the street. A71 <br />parking oF recreationel vehicles should be on a bituminous or cemant slab. <br />Ms Naake staterl the reason for the po11 of the P1anning Corrmission members, as done <br />above„ is because it is midnight, We have spent six hours on this issue, r~e <br />appreciate the Counci7's problem that they are going to face on Y,he 20th and these <br />are our recomnendations. <br />The Planning f,ommission has been spending this time discuss9ng recreational vehicles. <br />ble Feeltiie Councii also wanCed some input re.garding comnercial vehlcles. We have <br />nat discussed at any iength cr~mnercia7 vehicles, so as to come up with any ~thoughtfal <br />recomnendations. 'fhe consenaus of the P7anning Comnission, though, 1s to restate <br />the?r apposition to the parking of semi-tr•ailers or semi-tractors. 7he Pianning <br />Comrtisston atso does recomnend to ~he Council to adopt the deFin?tion5 that were <br />found in tNe memo of June 8, 1977. <br />BAUER METAL FABRICATING <br />Mr Rose state that Bauer Fa~ricating had requesCed some revisions. They would 7ike <br />to change the scraening requirements along tYie north boundary 11ne bordering tfie <br />trai7er park. They were required to puL• an eight foot birm, which wilt have a <br />hard tirne placfng and maintaining the way the holding pond and em~!rgency raad have <br />been placed. 7hey are prnvidi~g an emergency service drive °rom the north, and <br />this wi'17 para11e7 the b1rm. 7hey would like to restrict that birm to four feat <br />a '~ and plant cont,i~uing shrubs. <br />r~v <br />Ms 8lanchard left at 12:05 AM <br />~ <br />, <br />a <br />: <br />r <br />i <br />