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<br />-i~- <br />l Comrcieeion Membor Foss explained that he abetalned on the vote ae <br />~^'~e hed e confliot of interest. <br />COMIdERCIAL VEHZCLE PARHIN(i <br />~ Counciimember eaumgartner reported thaC tho Councii wanta a recommendation <br />from the Planning Commiesion if thsy wanti to make a zeoommendatinn on <br />i the oPf-etraet paYking of aommerciul vehiciee~ and if eo, what aize, <br />weigt~t, et~. Counoilmember eaumgartner etaEed thst he hed beeh driving <br />i around Mounda View to qat an idea of the commercia]. vehialea involved <br />, an~9 raoommended ~hat all Commiseion Membors do the eame. He etated <br />that thare was a wide aseortment o£ vehicles in Mounda View to aonei.der. <br />Chairperson Haake stakad that it wculd be hnrd to desiqnste vehielee <br />, by weight or chassie. <br />' <br />' Commiesion MemUer 7epper stated it would be hard to claseify the <br />~ v~hicl~a by weight as some 1/2 ton trucke carried a heavior load and <br />„ 1 we::e mose unai,yhtly bhan same trucke classiPied in the higher weight <br />` i categoriee. <br />r; <br />G i Commiasion Member Fedor stated that he was intereated in getting rid <br />, oP the large seml!s. <br />There was considerable diacuosion among the Commisaion Members as to, <br />; if commprcial vehicles ehould k~e conaidered with recreational vehiclee <br />+~ nd whst stan3ards to use in evalixatinq the commarciaZ vahiclas, snd <br />_...~Jhether commarcla.l vehiale owners would ba di~criminate~l againet <br />~ iE their vehiales were bannefl but rer.reational vehiclee weren'E. <br />~ <br />' Chairperaon Haake asked that the Commieaion Membera drive azound <br />~ Mounds View and that 0£fiaial xose put the topic of ofE-eCreet parkinq <br />~ of aommercial vehiclas on the agcnda for the next Plannin9 Commiseion ' <br />, meetiny. <br />; <br />~ NIETROT.'OLITAN SY5TEM STRTEDSENT <br />I <br />~ Of•ficial Roae stat.ed that ho would 11ke to comments from the <br />j Commi.asion Members o» the MetropoliY~n Syetem 6tatement. <br />~ <br />~ M~P (9urmeiater-Blanchard) to adjourn at 12=45 AM. <br />; Respectfully submitted, <br />Pamela Young <br />Recordinq Seoretary <br />ti~ <br />