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1977-07-20 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1977-07-20 PC Minutes
Entry Properties
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-Z- <br />MSP (Fedor-Zet~per) to recommend to tha City Council that they approve <br />~ne minor subdivieion aP Joseph Weller, 7959 9unnyeide Road~ areating <br />two lots, with the north lot to be 76' x 231' and the sauth lot 89' x <br />231', and also to grant him a variance of 1' on the side yard eetback <br />requiremente on the qarage aide oE the northern lnt For tho conetruction <br />of a new home. This variance ie qranted due to tho Eaat L•het the lot <br />has only a 76' frantago. B ayea <br />MINOR 8ll8DIVISION OF P1tOPERTY LOCATED AT 8408 LONG L.AKE RORD <br />Commi;~ion Memk~er Foss askad to be excused since he had a conElict of <br />intereat in the matter. <br />Ofi`icial Ruse expl.ained tha.t thio again was a m.i.nor aubdivieion ae the <br />last item, except ehat thia lot £ronts on two atreeta, I,ong Lake Road <br />and Greenwood Drive. The lot ie 100' wida and 272.82' long on the <br />north and 344.27' on the south, mhe irregularity is due to the curve <br />of Lonq Lake Aoad. The gpplicant; has reqaeratad to subdivide the parcel <br />into one lot front•ing Greenwood Drive 100' wide x 170' deep an3 one <br />lot fronting Long Lake Road 1Q0' widP x 102.82' c3eep on Lhe north and <br />174.27' daep on the south. The lot Grr~enwood hao services <br />provided while tt~e Zot Pronting Long Lake Aoad will require an <br />extension of water maln aervicea which would pe required o£ the b~ilder. <br />Drainage requirementa along Long Lake Road would be met to County <br />specifications. Rear lot line does not correspcnd to previoua subdi- <br />- visinns due to curve o£ Lonq Lake Road. City does not foreaee additional <br />drainage easPments needed in the area. <br />~~ <br />Chairperson Haake asked if the applicant had anything to add. George <br />Payno cpoke for the applican: and explained they requested tha affsat <br />of rear lot li»os to mnke both lots more deeirable for building. <br />b19P (Mackoben-Hurmeiater) to racommend approval of the minor aubdivision <br />oY Ben Peichel, 8408 Long Lake Road, the property being 100' wide on <br />west side, 2'/2.82' deep on north s!de, 344.27' deep on tho south side, <br />with frontage af .t22' on east side, into two lotsi with the lot Eranting <br />Greenwood to We 100' wide by 170' deep an3 lot front Long Lake Road <br />to be 100' wide at rear of lot, 102.82' deep on the north and 174.27' <br />on the south, with ],22' frnntaye. 7 ayes <br />1 abstain <br />Commisszon Member Foss rejoined the meeting at this time, and Commiseion <br />Diember Zepper asked to be excused due to a conflict of intereat on <br />the next Sssue. <br />PR~LIMTNARY PLAT FOR PROPERTY AT Z500 HIGHWAY 10 <br />Pteve Roae gave a background of the property in queation. The zoning <br />map denotee the south area ae R-2, while the north area ia donated <br />~s-2. The land uee map den~tes the areu as medium dens'ity, with a <br />{ ;aximum of six unite per building. <br />O~/ <br />The property lies in District 1, whir.h recommende for that area that <br />"qeaeral use patterns, commercial and high densfty resi3enL•_:.1 development <br />
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