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-3- <br />ehauld be loaatod in proximity to Highway 10, with a decreaea in <br />~nteneity o£ use occurring outward fro,n tho higha~ey toward tha low <br />eneity residential nQiqhhorhoode to the aouth a~id weRt". <br />The total land area is 23.8 aaree. The purpose oE the e-2, Limited <br />Bueinesa Dietrict, is to provide £or low intensity, retiail or serviae <br />outlete which deal directly with tha austomsr £os whom the goods or <br />sarvi~os are furn~ahed. The usea allowed tn the 8istriet are to provida <br />hoods end servicee on a limited community market acale and located in <br />greas which are well aerved by collector or arterial street facilitiae <br />at the edge of reeidontial distriote. <br />The de£initior, of Limitod eveinees usee would ~ilow for a bu~farinq <br />of Ni~hway 10 to the Madium Deneity. Development Madium ~ensity fror~tinq <br />or rearing on f[yg~way 10 would ee~m not to be advantayer,us or economical. <br />A higher denu±ty residenticl or co:nmerr,ial would be more economical, <br />The devalopment 2s eketched preeerves a majority of the nai•ural amenities <br />aa the Comprohensive Qlan advisos. The ponding area wil.l be utiljzed <br />as ~pen space and orovide a holding area for naturul runoff. <br />The street plan and acceas to khe property poaes no problem and can be <br />coordinated with the street plan of tlie property to khe west. <br />The Staff recommended thak the Plan, as outlined, ie more desirable <br />than preeent zoning, yet does not meet Land Uae Map classification. I~ <br />-~.oea meet the criteria for District 1 uaes. The type of 1lmited business <br />sea could be the key for a desitable and economical developmer.t. <br />The applicant hao submittgd a preliminary plat with aropnsed zonings <br />and a preliminary grading plan for which they seek an approval. Tha <br />plat ia compoaed of Additione 1 and 2, with the lst Aadition creating <br />11 lote, which all front County Road H-2. <br />The weat 10 lol•e are propoeed to be deveioped R-2 (duplex). Lot 1 <br />is ~ corner lot 110' x 130' with all the other 9 lots being interior <br />100' x 130', All R-2 lota meet area and frontage requirements (12,500 <br />square feet and 100 foot fxontage). <br />Lot 11 is proposed ho be developed 8-2 (parking lot for ponatelle's). <br />The lot. i:; five sided and fronts both County Roads H-2 and Highway 10. <br />The exiating B-3 uae to the cast of the lot ia in need oE additional <br />parking to meet Mounds View's parking code reyuirements. Thi~ lot <br />should eithar be developed ta meet h.hat need or ba daveloped R-2 along <br />County Road H-2. Tho Staff recommended proposed zoning be changed <br />from B-2 to B-1 ae a parking lot is a perm~.tted acceasory uee in a <br />~-1 claesiflcation. <br />The Second Addition creates 3 blocko and 18 lots. Block 1 would be <br />14 lote, of wh~ch Lota 2-11 would be developed R-2, Lot 1 developed H-2 <br />and Lots 1?., 13 and 14 developed B-1. Block 2 would be three lots, with <br />all of them befng develuped B-2. Block 3 would be one lot, tu be <br />""'',eveloped B-2. All lnta with the exception of Lok 4, Block 1, 2nd Addi- <br />~..r~ <br />