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1977-07-20 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1977-07-20 PC Minutes
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-5- <br />Mr. 2eppar pointed ou~ that the Ciky is trying to keep commes•cial <br />~ehiclee out oE the residential areae and e*,ated tha~ paople would <br />~ve to drive through the aommercial area to reaeh their homes. Also, <br />'the area is not made ior heevy traffic Elow that ia anticipated. <br />Mr. Olson stated that the original propoeal had planned for a aeparation <br />betwaen the commercial and xesidenti~3 areas hut that the Planning <br />Commission had wanted more residential aroa. Aleo, the traffic f].ow <br />was checked from Long Lake Road and Eound to be acceptable and that a <br />signal would probably be put in once the traffic reached a certain point. <br />Dennie Olaniok, 7918 Groveland, asked Mr. Olson what price range the <br />duplexea would be in. Mr. Olaon replied that thoy would be similar to <br />the duplexes presently located on Silver Lake Rond and Miseiesippi. <br />PaulinP Steller, 2454 County Road H-2, etated that she had talked to <br />Ramaey County regardinq the trafEic flow and that shA helieued <br />the increaeed traffic would be a hazard ta children in the neiqhborh~od. <br />Mr. 2eppor asked if the Planning Commission was nware oS ehe tra£iic <br />already on the road. Com~iasion Member. Foss replied that moat of the <br />traffic on tt-2, other than the apartments, was basically from people <br />going to work at Medtronics, Onan, marget and ao torth, and that the <br />pxoposed duplexes would not increase the traffic a great deal. <br />~r., Zepper stated that he did not want to sae any commercial huilflings <br />=-~oing directly out to Long Lake Rnad, Chairperson Haake pointed out <br />hat all the planned building fox Lonq LaY,e Road would be R-2, <br />'~--v~hich would have a low traffic Elow and the commarcial buildinge <br />would be exitina onta Highway 10. <br />Councilm~mber Batungartner pointed nut that the wooded area is quite <br />heavily in~ectad with oak wi].t and that many of the trees wiA1 bs loat <br />within the next year or so. <br />Cqmmission Member Foss pointed out thah. in Mounds View the majority <br />of the developmant has besn in single family homes aud that taxes <br />have gone up considerably and that the citizens should be planning <br />ahead and allowing commercial development to help relieve the tax <br />situation. <br />Commiesion Member F'e3or asked if the holding ponfl would ba used ae a <br />park at nome time. Chairperson Haake eaid it w~uld not. Ghe also <br />pointed ouL that medium deneity allows up to six units per lot and <br />that the developer is on2y aeking Por two. <br />~ MSP (Haake-Blanchard) to recommend to the Council that they approve <br />~ thQ praliminary plat for the 0'Neil ~ddition, dated 6/23/77, as presented <br />to the Planciinq Commission. Also, the plat requires a variance oE 5' <br />for the f.rontage of Lot 4, Block l, Second Addition. It will also require <br />an addittonal 10' 'utility easement on Lots 7 aud 8, Hlock 1, Second <br />A3dition, and a 10' easement on Lots 4 and 5, Aioek 1~FiYat Addition, <br />the common lot lines (total 20'). The plat will requira a rezoning <br />.~f Lot 11, Block l, First Addn £rom R-2 to H-1. A downzoninq af Lots <br />17., 13 and.14, Block 1, Eecond Addn from H-2 to B-1 would be requirea, <br />along with the downzoning of Lots 2-11, Hloak ~ Second Addn from 8-2 to <br />R-2. The Planning Commission also recommenda that the hold~ng pond be <br />raquired an~ thst it be maintainad by the owner ko meet the specifications <br />
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