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_q_ <br />tion meet Erontage and area requirements. Lot 4 hae required square <br />~ootage but has a subetandard bu.tldable frotttaye. Code requires 100' <br />md only an averaga of 97' ie provided. Although the lot Ss subetandard <br />it preeente no buildable probxem wlth a 95'-100' tronCage. <br />A holding pond would be neceseary for the development and io required <br />by City, Coanty and the Rice Creek S4aterahed. All roade and cu~-de-esc <br />right-of-waya maet Mounds View code spocificationa. Also, the <br />drainaqe and ponding area are adaquata as provided, Additional 10' <br />(total 20') easemente are neceesary alona the following lot l~nea Eor <br />the looping of water servicea: Lote 4 and 5, ~lock 1, ls~ Addition <br />and Lote 7 and 8, Block 1, 2nd Add~tion. <br />1'he StafP now.recommends approval to the Council of the pr.aliminary <br />plat, prelim3nary qrauin~ plan and rezoning with the followiny cunaidora- <br />tions, that an additional easement ba takan for 7.oopinq oP water aervlcee, <br />that the ponding area be privately owned and maintained, and a varianoe <br />granted for Lot 4, Block 1, 2nd Additior, for substandar8 frontage (97'). <br />Mr. Oleon, an engineer representing Mr. O'Neil, siated that 'c.hrr plan <br />was presented ln the skatch plan staqe and that khey were now before <br />the Planning Commiseion foi rezoning and pxeliminary plat approval. <br />Commiasion Member G1a2er asked iP all the R-2 units would be rental <br />unlts. Mr. Olson raplied that hopefully there would be an owner in one <br />halE, with a rente.r in the other. <br />ommission Member Glnzer stated that he was concerned with the depth <br />~~~f the pand and felt ti:at the deptYa would not minimize the algaa. Mr. <br />OYson replied that it wae f.ound that algee grew much better in deptha <br />of ~ive feet or lees. <br />Commisaion Member Eurmeister asked if the lot proposed for ponatelle's <br />would be includad in tha drainage plan. Mr, Ulson replied that there <br />wna an exieting sewer system there already. <br />Allen Zepper, apeak3ng as a citizen and not a Ccauni~sion Memmer, asked <br />whera the water ~ould ga from Ridgo Road and Long Lake Road. Counail <br />Member Aaumqartner replied that it goes east to IsondalA then eouth to <br />Woodcreot ihen easl to Bona Road anci then aouth again to Rico Creek. <br />Mr. Zepper questioned the amount of fill that would be re~uired in the <br />area. Mr. Olaon replied that the qrade is beiow water level and that <br />a grading permft hae been requested from the City. The area would be <br />filled in considerably. Mr. OlAOn also etatad that one of the reasons <br />the project had be~n expedited was because the owner had acceRe to Eill <br />for the'axea. Also, all tcees would be saved wherever poseible. <br />Commisaion Member Glazer pointed out that the depth of the holding <br />pond would actually help the miaquito pro6lem as misquito's prefer <br />ahallower areas. <br />a <br />~~ <br />