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November 9, 1977 <br />Page 3 <br />e~est side and stated that a fence might be requlred to block tlie oiew. Comnission <br />/r~ Memhar t~ackeben stated that he could foresee a problem With added garba9e witfi the <br />/ ;expanslon. <br />Mr. Novak replled that the dumpster is beiny turned a~aay from the street so that the <br />opening would not be visable. He also stated that a survey had been done of a11 the <br />Crown Auto stores and that the average aarking spaces ~er store were 1'/-18, which <br />seemed adequate, exclu~iing the stores located aY targe sho~ping centers. <br />Commission hlember Mackeben pointed out that with the additional two bnys, that several <br />more parking spaces would be required for the cars waitiny to get in and the cars that <br />had been fir+ished but not yet ~icked up. Officlal Rase replied that an additional <br />4 spaces were added for the expansion. <br />' Chairperson Haake suggested tHat a publlc hearing be held to let the neighbors khow what <br />was.gofng on. Official Rose replied that it would be the Council's decision to have one. <br />Comnission Member fedor pointed out that since James Refrigeration is also the owner <br />af the ad~acent property, additional space cculd be taken from the vacart propprty <br />for the parking at Crown Auto. Mr. Novak replied that Crown Auto would rather not <br />rent the space now since they do not feel it is necessary and Gecause it would rafse <br />thoir rent. Officlal Rose stated that he had spaken to Doug James of James <br />Refrigeration and Mr. James had said that the space could be taken but he did no1: feel <br />it was necessary at this time. <br />Counc9lmember Baumyartner stated that the Cit,y coulcl require the devetoper to enter <br />-- inta an agreement that if the addlEiona7 parking spaces are requirad, that they woutd <br />~ expand to the west to meet the requirements. <br />Commission Memher foss asked if plantinys could be required with the development <br />a.qreament as there arn resTdent~al bu~ldings In the area. Chairperson Haaks replied <br />that iC cou7d be incorporated into the agreement. <br />Coir.mission Member G7azer stated that hF would like to see steps taken to contain <br />the refuse from overflowing on the property tine. <br />MSP (Zepper-Burmeister) to make a recommendation to the City Council to grant a <br />varianceforl0 parking spaces and for the Z2' rear yard setback to a71ow the building <br />to be bu11C in conttnuance with the existing building 'line, and a variance of 3' for <br />the parking side yard setback to aliow for continuance of the existing paved line and <br />tliat eancreta curbing be required along all paved lines and on the striped no parking <br />area across from the outdoor storage, and tl~at a screening fence be continued along <br />the north property tine, a minimum of 6' high and npaque, and a screen a minimum of <br />6' high for the dumpster and outdoor storage and that a develcpment agreement be <br />executed Co caver the above and screening atong the west property tine, and ptantings <br />on the Sunnyside Road side and south side facing along Nigfiway 10, and striping and <br />labeling of xhz no-parking area in frant of the building except where the parking <br />spaces are indicated, and 4f the need arises for more parking spaces, that they <br />oStain more land, and recnmmend to the Council that a conditionai use permit be <br />issued. 8 ayes <br />REt7UEST FOR PAfiKING VARIANCE FOR E. E. GI;~TAFSON RT 7664 6REENFIELD AVENUE <br />~ 0`ficial Rose reported that the appiicant has received zoning, useage a;~d variance <br />apnrova7 for an office building to front Greenfield Avenue and is now requesting <br />