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November 9, 1977 Page 4 <br />3pproval of a revlsed pint pian which would front tl;e building on County Road I. <br />a he change in the frontage is due to the desire by the applicant to use solar <br />heating• <br />Planning cons9~erations include that the developm3nt was original7y approved with <br />variance for 2 less car parking spaces and a paved servtce setback of 3' rather than <br />5' on the we~t lot 11ne. The new plot plan provides for 21 parking spaces and 22 are <br />required, so a variance of 1 would be required. Parking with the revision is pienned <br />to approach within 3' or the south property line which abuts a single family home. <br />Proper screening of a minimwn 6' opaque fence and a variance are requfred. <br />Drainage should be plsnned to the direction of Greenfield Avenue. The building <br />placement meets a11 setback requirements, and the sidewalk alang County Road J shuuld <br />be p'Iaced abutting the north property line. Concrete curb, paW ng for driving and <br />par'r,ing areas, plantiogs and redwood screen9ng fences wou7d be required. No tra,h <br />storaye is shown in the plan artd Staff reconmends that the 7ocation be in the south- <br />west corner and properly screened. <br />Mr. Rothgerber introduced hin~setf as the representative for the development and asked <br />that a variance be gr•arited to a71ow use of solar heating. Ne stated that the system <br />must face due sauth and that he expects 80-100% effeciency with the solar program. <br />Mr. Rothgerber a7so pointed out that this woutd be the first solar building in Mounds <br />V4ew. <br />Chairperson Haake asked if th2re would be a backup system. Mr. Rothgerber replted <br />~~`Shat there would be one, either gas or electric, as it was required by the money <br />, , lender. <br />Councilmember Baumgartner asked why there would be on~y 3' rather than 5' in the back. <br />OPfscia7 Rose replied that it was due t~ space limltattons and that the extra 2' was <br />required for traffic to be abTe to back out of the parking spaces. <br />Counciimember Baumgartner asked 1f it would be a one-way driveway. Mr. Rothgerber <br />replied that it would be and it woutd help the traffic problem by making the inlet <br />on Greenfie7d rather than County Road I. <br />Gommission Member Glazer asked what the nature of the solar system would be and tf ther~ <br />would be any problem with the panels reflecting. Mr. Rothgerber reptied that the panels <br />~aould be glass and they would he verticle and should not present ariy problem. <br />MSP (Fedor-Blanchard) to grant a variance to E. Gustafsan at 7664 Gr~enfield Avenue of • <br />1 parking space iess then required by code and 2' on the back 7ot setback requirement <br />and recammend to t~e City Council that they enter tnto a develapment egreement with <br />the developer and inctude that the parking lot be curbed, paved and dralned to <br />Greenf3eld Avenue, that the parking spaces be marked, and screening fiences puC in <br />where required and screening of trash storage, with the green area to be sodded, <br />and that the development and impravement plans be drawn up professionally. 5 ayes <br />, 3 nayss <br />Commission Members Glazer, Haake and Durmeister stated that they voted nay due ta the <br />question if the 2' variance would 6e needed because the parking could possibly be <br />J adjusted. <br />DE4EI.OFMENT STAGE OF P.U.D. PROCESS - NORTHCREST PARK <br />Official Rose stated that this item would be discussed at the November 21 meeting. <br />