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1977-12-14 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1977-12-14 PC Minutes
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~ <br />PROCEEDINOS OF THE PLANNINO COMMISSION <br />CI1Y OF MOUNDS VIEH' <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA ~ <br />A regular meetinc~ of the Mounds View planninc~ Comnission was called to order at <br />7:40 pM on.Decem4er 14. 1977 at the Mounds View City Ha11, 2401 Wlghway 10, <br />Mounds View, Minnesota 65112. <br />Members Fresent: <br />Also Present: <br />~ <br />Chairperson Haake <br />Gommission htember FSackeben <br />Gommission Member Glazer <br />Comnission Member'Burmeister <br />Conmission Member Blanchard <br />Counciimember Baumgartner <br />Buildin4 and Zaning Off'icial Rase <br />Chairperson Haake asked that approvat of the November 9, 1977 and November 21, <br />1977 meettng minutes be postponed until the end of the meeting to allow <br />Commission Memhers more ttme ta reView tbem. <br />.... CONDITIONAL USE PERPiIT REQUEST OF ALEXANOER OI4ERSIFIEO SALES INC. - 28q8 HIRHWAY 10 <br />Offlcial Rose reported that the applicants request was originally dented 4n <br />NovembRr 9. 1977 and that he has now submitted a survey uf the property showing <br />existing features and proposed parkirg. <br />Planning considerations include that the Camprehensive Plan directs the remeinin@ <br />undeveloped land in District 12 along Highway 10 to develop medium density and <br />the future redevetopment of the existing spot comnercial site to medium density. <br />The land is presently zoned 6-4 anA the proposed useage requires a B-3 Conditional <br />Use PeYmit zoning. B-4 zoning uses allow B~3 uses. <br />The appllcant has shawn 11 customer perking spaces, which Staff fieels would be <br />ndequate. The sale display spaces are located in front of the garage area and , <br />along the Highway 7.U frontage, totating 15 spaces. Yhe fuur sP::ces 1oc~ked in <br />front of the gara~e cause a customer parking problem in that the tast southwesterly <br />sta11 would be hard to use, if not impossible, 7he traffic corridar betWeen the <br />dispiay spaces is only 15 feet widr and not adequate for two-way traffic. <br />The appllcant plans na additional !mprovements other than the marking of parking <br />spaces. All parking is located on paved arezs. The existing fence 71ne,pro~ect5 <br />past the fronts of the houses and trees and plantings are in place For'additional <br />screening. The trash area is 3ocated behind the building, and one pedestat sign <br />and two pole signs exist on the three frontage corners. Yhe applicant does p1en <br />~ " ; to usE existing lighting. <br />~""~ Off9c1a1 Rose recommentied that if the Conditional Use Permit request is approved, <br />that the number of display cars be 1lmited to 11 outside and two ir~side tha <br />garage, and that only one frontage sign be a7lowed, taking the othar two down, <br />
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