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1977-12-14 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1977-12-14 PC Minutes
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`~ 'December 14, 1977 Pege 2 <br />~''°`~ and thet no outslde sturage of par~ts or non-functioning vehicles be allowed and <br />that the parking spaces be marked for customer parkin~. <br />Jemes Rtexander stated that tie had made an offier on the property at~•eady , which <br />wes not contingent upon the Condltianal Use Permit being granted, and that his <br />lawyar had informed htm the offer wes going to be accepta~, Ne stated that a11 <br />their business would be in iate madel cars, wi:h no ~unk cars at a11. f4r. <br />Alexender a1so asked that he not be pre-~udged by the previous occupants record. <br />Mr. Alerandar presented Official Rose wlth a 11st of signatures from the three <br />neighbors giving their approval. They ar~ Walter Harvey, 2855 ftighway 10, <br />James ~Jeick, 7920 Groveland and Simon T. Simon of Simons Liquor and Food. <br />Mr. Alexender also asked that the Planning Comm9ssion keep in mind that wfth a <br />Conditional Use Permit, 1t could be revoked if he did not comply with the f,ity <br />and that he would not risk his investment. <br />Councilmember Bnumgartner asked 1f anything was pianned to be done with the <br />gas pumps. Mr. Alexander replied thct they were already gone. <br />Comnisslon Mem4er Burmeister asked if any work would be done to tha cars in the <br />gnrage other than cleaning them. Mr. Alexander repiiod that no ma~or work would <br />be done on the cars, that they wouTd be basically c7eaned and that very minor <br />repair wark mtght be done, such as changing spark plugs or a tire, but that no <br />bady work or engin~ overhauls or anything ma~or would be done. <br />Cortmission Member Mackeben asked if the gas tanks were sti11 there. Mr. Alexander <br />' replled that they were but that they had been emptied and would rot be used. <br />MSP (Btanchard-Burmetster) to recommen9 to the Council that thc; grant a Condi- <br />tionai Use Petm1C for the operatlon of a used auto sales business at tho corner <br />of Grove7end and Nighway 1~, with the stipulations that onty 31 cars be dtspla;~ed <br />in front of Hfghway 30, accordlnp to the site p1an, and two ir.side the garage. <br />Comm. recottmends that there be a ltmit of nnly one frontage sign and no outside <br />storage of parCs or non-functioning vehicles and that the parking spaces be <br />properiy mArked. 6 ayes <br />Cortmission Member Glazer asked Mr. Alexander if he agreed L•hat the 11 outdoor <br />display spaces were adequaL•e. Mr. Atexander reptied that the 11 spaces would <br />be edequate and that he was sntisfied w~th that number. <br />JMJOR SUBDIVISION R~UEST OF KEITH HAR57AD - 8374 PLEASANT YIEW DRIVE <br />Off1c1e1 Rose reparte~ that Mr. Narstad has requested to subdivide three separate <br />parcels to create 7 iots with two autlots for R-1 development. <br />Planning consideratians include that the land use and zoning depicts singie famity <br />construction. Biock 1 creates three ]aCs and one outlot and a17 lots have 85' <br />Yrontages and exeeed the square foot~ge requirement of 11,000 squaPe feet. A <br />tot remnanC wouid be created, approximate7y 50' x 165', fronting Pieasant View. <br />~ Lot 1, fronting Spring Lake Road, has three buildin~s iocated on or part9ally <br />on it. 8oth the garage end housa meet setback requirements, whiTe the shed is <br />i~ceted partlally on 1o±s 1 and 3 and outlot A. Lot 2 is an irreguiar~ shapad <br />iot due to the pcrtiel tnking uf a pnrcel from the Rosenquist Addition, leaving <br />both lots meeting reinlmum rQquirements. The Rosenquist property must be <br />
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