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P~QCEEOIN.r,g OF THE PLANNtNa COMMtS5i0N <br />CITY Of MOUNDS YIEW <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESUTA <br />~A regular meeting of the Mounds View planning Comnlssion was called to order a! <br />7:30 PM on Januery 25, 1978 at the Mounds Viow City l1a11, 2401 Highway 10, <br />Mounds View, Minnesota 65112. <br />Members Present; A1so Present: <br />Chairperson Nanke <br />Carmission Mamber Mackeben <br />Cam:+is,ion M~n6er Fedor <br />Commission Member Glazer" <br />Commission Member Burmeister <br />Camnission Member 8lanchard <br />Councilmember 8aumgartner <br />Building and Zoning Officlal Rose <br />Carmission Member foss wr.s noted as absent without notice. <br />Chairperson HaaY,e announced that Cortmissian Mem6er Zepper had resi~ned Ms p~sition <br />nn the P1ann(ng Commission. <br />The minutes of the January 11, 1978 Ptannin~ Conunission Meeting were approved <br />as presented. <br />M/t~OR SUBDYVISIpN REQUEST OF EIGENHEER BUILD@RS INC. <br />ob E19enheer introduced himself as the developer of the property and expiained that <br />~he has approximately 8 3/4 acres which he would Tike to have subdivided arod part of <br />9t rezoned from R-7 to R-2, and shaweA the area in questlan on a map and explained <br />his plans for the development. <br />Mr. Olson, a representative of the developnent, exp7ained that he had dlscussed the <br />possibitity of an emergency vehicle ease~nent with the Staff but had come to the con- <br />c7usion that it would be better es a walkway. <br />Mr. U1son explained that the original proposai had a street going through to County <br />Road I but that they had found they wou7d not be able to get around the St. Pau1 <br />Water Works. He slso repor•ted that he had soil borings taken atang the north <br />property tine and where they have proposed a connection to Edgewood. The results <br />showed the further north, the worse the soil conditions get. Peat ranged from <br />7~,' to li'. <br />Mr. 01son also stated tbat whiie several uf the lots requested were below the 85' <br />frontaga required by code, most ather camunities allowed the narrawer Prantage, <br />and that if he was required to meet the &5', he would lose at least two 1ots. <br />Official Rose repnrted that Mr. Eigenheer is requesting approvai of a ma~or subdivision <br />oF one iut inta 23, of which five would rPqutre rezoning from R-1 to R-2 for <br />dup7ex developnent. <br />Planning consideratlons include that the current zoning for the entire pnrce3 1; <br />R-7 single family and the Canprehensive Plen denates a lnw density 7and u~e <_tatus <br />~'he lots which are requested for R-2 deve7opment ali have frontage on County Road <br />I, which are lots 10, 77, 22 and 23, with the exceptlon of 7ot 21. County Road I, <br />between Lorg lake Road and quinc.v Street carries 5,850 vehicles per day and the <br />~t. <br />{ <br />