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June 10., 1978 Page 6 <br />~ Ghairperson Haa~e stated thdt Mr, Nartinger should he encpuPaged to put in the <br />10' green area and put a fence fin Where the curbing ~s in the parking lut, and <br />recomnended a row oP evergr~ens 6e put in, <br />Cartmisston Member Burmel'ster .,suggested Mr, Nartinger should be encauraged to <br />cane in and speak to the forester. Comnission Memher Quan wecomnended instead <br />that the issue be tabted and that Mr. Hartinger be required to tatk to the U oP M <br />forestry department for their recomnendations. Commission Mer~ber Burmeister <br />replied that the Ctty has a highly quatiPied forester ~tth a masters degree th~t <br />Mr. Hartinger could tatk ta, <br />MSP (Haeke-Glazer) that the Ptanning Carcnisslan would recomnend that the Launching <br />Pad, on the north line of its Parking lot, wou7d put tn e comb{nation nP plantings, <br />fencing and cur6ing and that they talk to the City Forester regaPding the 6est <br />way oP accanplisliing this. 4 dyes <br />Camnission Member Glazer recommended Chat the Planning Caimissi~n insist on a <br />Pence. <br />NEXT AGENDA AND pREVIOUS CITr COUNCiL AC'PIONS <br />Official Rose reported that the Council ta6led Pro,~ect 1978-6, the pub11'c utilitie~ <br />improvements foi~ Stlver Lake Road, at the June 12 meeting, to allow time for the <br />soil conditions to 6e cBecked to insure that the 'iots are buildable and assessdble, <br />,r~y He added khat the Dailey Knolls addltion was alsa tabled to await a dec:ision on <br />! ; 1978-6, and that the ptat was redrawn, bringtng the lots up to 98~, <br />'^~ <br />Officiai Rose reported that Ken S,~odin's minor suhdivision request was tabled <br />pending the planning Comnission's recomnendatlon on the ordinance change. <br />Official Rose reported Lhat the Council approved the ~oint curb :uts far the <br />duplexes but requtred s~parate driveways after the ~oint cuts, <br />Official Rose reported that at :he next Planning Cannission meeting they wauld be <br />covering the report from Midwest Planning on 7-11, and that the Planning Cors~issior <br />would be required to make a rec!xrrnendation to the Council. <br />Commission Member Quan statQd that he would like to receiVe the Planning Comnissian <br />information as early as possible, perhaps staggering it and mailing iC out as 1t was <br />prepared. Chairperson Haake stated that they have found in the past that the mail <br />is noti retia6le and the best way to get the pac.kets out is to have them hand delivered, <br />as they are now. <br />qfficial Rose apologized Por not having the packets out to the Comnissinn ~denbers <br />earller and exp]ainPd Lhat when the Council meeting and Pianning Commission meetings <br />fall during the same rreek, he is tied up in working on the Cauncii agenda ftrst. <br />Comnission Member Durmeister stated that the system fihey have now ts woricing much <br />better than any previous system. Chairperson Haake added that the Comnission Members <br />almost always have their packets the Monday before the meeting. <br />~~jChairperson Haake asked if the shed at Ridge Lane and Sunnyside Road had been checkeda <br />Official Rose replied that it had been and that it was allowable because the address <br />of the house is Sunnyslde, even Lhough the owner has access off Fidge Lane. <br />