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~ PROCEEO[NGS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION <br />CiTY tlF MOUNDS VICW <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />A regular meeting of the Mounds Y1ew Planning Commission was called to order by <br />Chairperson Haake at 7:30 PM an August 9, 1978 at the Mounds V1ew C9ty Halt, <br />2401 Nighway 30, Mounds View, Minnesata 65112. <br />Me+nbers Presen!: <br />Chairperson Haake <br />Comnission Member Blanchard <br />Camnissiun 6lembel^ Burnieister <br />Commission Member Foss <br />Commission Member Glazer <br />Commission Membep Qaan <br />Also Present: <br />Councilmember Baumgartnar <br />BuiTding and Zoning Officia7 Rose <br />Members Absent: <br />Commissian Member Fedor <br />Chairper~son Naak= asked that the minutes of the July 26, 197& meeting be corrected <br />on page 4. seventh pzragraph to read thai; there are approximately eight humes 6eCween <br />County Road H and Woodcrest, and who wouid be expecte~ to pay for sidewaiks. <br />Chairperson Haake asked that page 7, third to t0e last paragraph, be corrected to <br />.~ read 7ow and moderate income housing> and if it means ccmpromising our position on <br />) housing. <br />~ <br />MSP (87anr,hard-Quan) to approve lhe minutes of the July 26, 1918 meeting as <br />corrected. 6 ayes <br />MIDNAY INDUSTRIAL SUPPlY CO., INC. AND NASCO - MPJOR SUBDIVISION <br />Off1clal Rose reported thac Midway Industrial Supply Co., Inc. has requested to <br />subcl9vide 3.53 acres into two p~rcets, 1.56 acres and 1.97 acres, for the deveTopment <br />of light indusCrial buildings for themselves and NASCO. They have received concept <br />appraval fram the City Councii for a tax exempt mortgage status. <br />Offtcial Rose reporCed that both lots meet the minimum area requirement of 1 acre, <br />and Lot 1 grants a utility easement necessary for the insta7lation of sewer services <br />for Lot 2. Drainage and roadway easements must be granted to Lot 7 from Lot 1, as <br />they will share the access and drainage way to Mustang Roaa. Maintenance agreements <br />must aisa be filed for the upkeep of the ,~oint entrance off Old Nighway 8 And the <br />roadway connection to Dlustang Lane. They must furnish to the City a deed meetir:g <br />the City ACtorney's approval for recording at the County. <br />Official Rose reported that both the zoning and Comprehensive P1an denote light <br />industrtal land use, and buildings 1 and 2 are both consistant with Mounds View`s <br />land use recomnendati~ns as stated in the Comprehensiva V1an. Both buildin~s meet <br />the minimum 40 Poot setback requirement, and paved area> meet the minim~~m 6 and 15' <br />~" setbacks, as required per code. All curb cuts exceed 22', and Official Rose stated <br />that Staff recam,ends a code revision with maximum curb cuts for residentlal pro- <br />~ perties of 22', and comnerciai and industrial of 30'. He ad~ed that the curb cat <br />which exists on the New Brighton property must remain closed until a public street <br />imprave~nent is comp7eted. However, the curb cuts could be allawed if the appllcant <br />