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Dacembar 13, 1978 P86e 2 <br />Although Offioial Rose a~reed that lt would ba imposeible to legally en- <br />Eorae owner oooupancy of townhousee, by nature that ia moet always the faot. <br />OfYicial Roee rupurCad that 5tafr had conduceed a eurvey of seven <br />~communitiea and found Chat all allowed two curb cute for R-2 and R••3 <br />usae, He added that Staff had diecuesed it with t~a Police Chief, who <br />telt that Cwo curb cute would not preeent a traffir prublem on a typical <br />residentbai etreac. Ofticial Rose etated that a maximnm width of 12' <br />for each curb cut or a~oint meximum width of 30' wae falt to be pr~cticaL, <br />keeping all cuta a minimum of 50' from interscct•ione, A minimum oeparatian <br />oE 40' could aleo be raquired for eaparate aure. Officixl Rose added that <br />tha requaet for two curb cuta would raquire a variance and/or an ordinance <br />change, <br />Official Roee reported that the applicant haa requeeted turnarounde ~o <br />pravent backing out txaEfic. He stated it could detxact from the overall <br />looke uf the properCy but if properly done with connectin~ eidewalke and <br />ecreening and so forth, could be basically unseen and very use£ul, <br />Officia!. Roee reported that eight parkiug epaces would be provid~~, four ' <br />garage nnd four outdoor, ae rzquired. lie added thaL- a de~rel.opmene sgzee- ' <br />ment would incl.udQ concrete curbing, three plantinga at a minimum 2" at i <br />breaet ha.ight, concrete sidewulk and bo~;d or eacrow of $3,000. ~ <br />Official Roee xecommended the request be approved with ordi.nance changes , <br />to k0,02, Sub. B~~34 to eCate that the tndividual dwe111ng units may have ~ <br />eeparate or joink entrancee, and 40,07 Sub. D 8 f to state that in R-2 <br />and R-3 uses, two cvrb cute would ~e permissuble witl-, maximum widthe of ~ <br />12' and a 40' aeparation, with a eingle maximum 30' cuC for. ~oint ueage. i <br />Mr. Beneon atated ho would like to go wit.hout the two turnarounds in front ~ <br />ae he felt they would be uaed for parking epaces rather than turnaroundo, ~ <br />Commieeion Member Fedor asked what zoning the development would be, OfEi- ~ <br />cial Roee r.eplied tha.t it would ba R-3, mulr,ipl.e dwelling. <br />Mr. Senson stated he would like to go wi*_hout any curbing at all due to ~ <br />the cost, or if neceesarp, bituminous. He pointed out that the triplex ~ <br />would be juse one etep ovar a duplex. ~ <br />Co~nies3an Member Burmeister etated ehe would not be in favor of bituminoua ! <br />curbing ae it deteriorates very quiclcl.y with heavy use. <br />4 <br />Commieeion Member Glazer pointed out that if the develapment is to be j <br />claesiEied multiple family, i~ would require z500 equare feet, which is , <br />leea than what would be required for a duplex. Officiul Rose repl3r~d ~ <br />that Cha present code could allow a thzee or four plex on the ;~ <br />eame property. Official Rose added that the qusAeion whiah muet be ; <br />clerified in if it is re~rtal propertq or r~wner occuplied. <br />Qhairpereon Haake etated that either o,n ordbnance change sh~uld be made or <br />a variance grantad. <br />Commiesion Member Burmaister etated ahe ati11 ob,jectad to Che parking <br />~'~eituation aa it wae tha esme ae wae preeeated at the ].ase meeting, and Chat <br />`rj~he did nnt f~el it was enou$h, Officiel koee repliw.d that it economically <br />imposeible to plan for every poesibility and that he did not feel the <br />parking would poea a problem. <br />