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~ PROCGEDINGS OF TNE PLANNING COMMI35ION <br />CITY OF MOU~DS VIEW <br />' RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />A ragular maeting of the Diounde View Planning Coffiniasion wae called <br />to or er by Chairpereott Haake at 7:35 Pt4 on January 10, 1979 at Che <br />Moun e'Viaw City Hall, 2401 Hlghway 10, Mounds View, Minnesata 55112, <br />P3embera Preaent; <br />Chairperaon Haake <br />Commisaion Memher Blanchard <br />Commiesioc~ Memher Burmeiater <br />Commiseion Member Fedor <br />Gnmmiasion Member Foes <br />Ca~isaion Member Glazer <br />Commieeion Memher Quan <br />Aleo Present: <br />Building and 2oning Official Rose <br />Caunailmember Forslund <br />Chairperaun Haake asked for any correcCiona to the December 13, 1978 <br />meeting minutea, <br />Mayor McCarty asked that the wording o~ the November 29, 1978 minutee be <br />changed regarding low income housing. He atated that he was trying to <br />~~"'`pke the pois~t that frame hames, especially rental onea, it is parti.cularly <br />!rd to get the ormer to make repaira once they are buile and occupied, <br />~ 2'n particular when they are federally funded. <br />Chairperson Aaalce stated that the minutea of the December 13, 1978 seeting <br />were approved ae read. <br />DAILEY HOMES - MAJOR SUSDIVISI9N - 7555 GROVELAND RGAD <br />0£ficial Rose reported thaC the Planning Commiseion first reviewed the <br />requcst in late 1977, at which time Mr. Thoreon owned juet the eaet half <br />oE lot 9 and all of lot 8. D1r. Thorson at that time requested three <br />duplex lota which were subetandard in width, and the Plantting Co~mnission <br />denied the request for rezonittg and the subdivision becauae the lota did <br />not meet the size requiremenCS. The Cir.y Council then reviewed the plat, <br />efter Mr. Thorean stated he s~ould purchc~se 32' to bring the lota closer <br />eo code.' The City Council tabled the request at that time since thare <br />were not public 3mpx°ovementa and set an in£ormal mesting for b'ebruary 28, <br />1478. It waR reaolved at thaC that if' someone wanted to develop, <br />they wauld provide eheir own servtces. Official R~~e added that aoil <br />teate were also taken ae tk~at time which found peat at great deptha on <br />some of Che property, and economicall;r dif.ficult to develop. The City <br />Council also inEormed Mr. Thoroon st that tine that he w~uld have to bring <br />his ],oea up to code, i.e., lot ~rontagea, £or approval. <br />'flcial Rose reported that Mr, Thoreon ~zow has a purchase agreement fox <br />,e east half of lot 7, which would create two 100 lote fronting Stlver <br />~ake ~toad and one 198' lot. He added that Mr, Thorson has also propASed <br />a meane £or. servicing hie land for developmenC. <br />