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1979-01-24 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1979-01-24 PC Minutes
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January 24, 1979 <br />Paga 3 <br />eM~Fose added that the applicant could noe meet the equare footage require- <br />~ hente for a double 6ungalow if he ad~ueted the lor. ei.ze. <br />Commieeion Mambar Burmeieter etatad ehe was concerned with approving the <br />plan, knowing that the atorm aew•sr wae not adaquate. Official Rose <br />raplied that that waa why Staff had r9commended a atudy be done. <br />Aating Chairpereon Fedor aeked how much a atudy would coet. Official <br />Rose repliad that iC could be eomewhere between $200 and $500. <br />Commieeion Member Fose eeked what the etudy ehould accomplieh.. Official <br />Rose replied that citizene would be concerned about the effect of development <br />on the aurao~xditig property, auch ae water backing up into tihe other <br />arde, and that tha CiCy aould ba proteccing itself wlth the etudy. <br />~e added that the study ehould only take a few weeke. <br />Commieaion Member Blanchard etated that ehe would like to see a a*_udy <br />done ae it wae a problem area and the storm sewer was not adequate. <br />Mr, rl3ells stated ttiar he was confuaed with wh,y building one or two <br />homee on a lot would affect the aituation eince the condition wae <br />already present. Acting chairperaon Fedor expiained that <br />thaoretically, rain water will drain on property and gn into the <br />ground and no't effect the eurroactding property, but that with a house <br />and blacktop or concrete for a driveway, the water could ao longer aeep <br />.~in thera and would thue run off. <br />i <br />`--~ Cna~iseion Member Burntaieter etated ehae one etreet did noC have a <br />atorm aewer at all and that ehe one on Greenfield wae inadequate alreadp, <br />so ~he c;~ould like to see ~ etudy appxov~ng attyth~ng, <br />Acting Chairperson Fedor stated that the preliminaxy plar could be <br />approved contingent upon the study. <br />Cormuisaion Mem6er Blenchard 43ked iE there wae a study of the area fram <br />the cancerned cittzens group. Councilmembe.r Poralund x~pl~ed that she <br />thought thara wes. <br />Offlcial Roea sCated that any conatruct~on would have a humber o~ opt~ona, <br />such se improvin~ the existing syetem, ponding in the re4r and ao £oxxh, <br />and addad ehst the City xequirea developers to meat a Pive yenr etorm <br />capacity. <br />i4r, Viel7.a atated that N.ounds View has 6een tsying Cc upgxade ~,ta stozW <br />eewer syetem, and aince it i.s deFicient thro~sghau~ the whoJ.e City, they <br />wLll evidenCiy be upgrading the whole eyeCem. Offic~al Rose xeplied chat <br />the outlook regardfns development is that propertiea Chat are going to be <br />devnloped wi11 ba raquired to put a syetem in. Ha added *.hat ~zhe citizene <br />liave indicatc3, vi~ Pro~ect ??78-1; thAC ns develoamenC occuxs, the <br />dsvelopare should ba required to put in a eyatem and be toCally asaessed <br />for it. <br />~! ~Co~niaelon Member Glazer stated he wass concerned w~Ch how cloae the R-2 <br />~"'~property wae to the exiating kermel. Mr, Vie11a repli.ed Chat ahe owner <br />has indicated thet onco ttxe property ia go13 theC he M^R11 cxoee the kannal, <br />he added Chat it t,ae b~aen used to help pay the asseesmants on Che propexty, <br />
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