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1979-01-24 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1979-01-24 PC Minutes
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January 24, 1979 <br />Page 2 <br />~""Ocode and policy requiremenCa, He added that a variance recomcnandation <br />Would be required i£ rhe code addition wae not appraved. <br />Official Roee raported thaC water and aewer ia atubbed to the property <br />linee for Lota 1-A inclueive, with Lot 7 already ueing service, and <br />Lote 6 and B-1Q inclusive have aewer end watar service availabla in <br />the street. He added that watar only ie etubbed to L~t 5 while aewer <br />ie available in the atreet. Limited etorm sewer servica is evailaUle <br />on Greenwood Drive, with cateh basine, but thet eyeCem doas not maet <br />a three yQar etorm frequency capaciYy, and tha propoeed development <br />would increaee that dei•iciency. The present easemente are adequate <br />unleas a public i~pxovemer.t ~o made, euch ae etox~m sewer. <br />Official Roee recouunended that all lot.s be required ~n draiu raspect- <br />ively to the etreat frontages, and that basementa nr cellars below a <br />907 elevation be required to be drain tiled. He also recommended <br />boriding for the einNle family lots of $500 earh and $1,000 each Eor <br />the R-2 lote. <br />Officisl Roae recommended that the. preliminnry plat be approved with the <br />rezoning of Luta 5 and 6 from R-1 Co R~2 and that a acudy be raquested <br />to define the impact on the exieting drainage capacir.y of the area, at <br />the expenae of the developer, and a development agreement to minimally <br />include the draining, druin tile and bondi~g. He aleo racommended a <br />code amendment or vari.anca for the 82.5 foot lote. <br />,--~_ <br />Commiseion Member Glazer asked why bonding would be requixed for the <br />usingle family homea. Official Rose replied that it ia required of <br />any major Aubdivieion of three or more lota, and thie would help ineure <br />that the lote were dra£ned properly and eo f'orth. <br />Acting Chairperaon Fedor aeked if the Council had passed an amendment <br />to allow 75 foot lota in subdivieions. Official Roae reolied that it <br />only appl.ied to minor subdivieione. Acting Chairperson r`edor pointed <br />out that the appllcant ceuld come ~n for subdivieione of two lots at <br />a time aad get them approved wi.thout a varience. <br />Commi.saion Member Burmeieter etated thet the purpose of the ordinance <br />revision ':ad been to ~llow people with 150 faot Iots to eubdivide 3nco <br />two 75 foot lote when they had no other land avatlable. She also pointdd <br />out that there wi11 be an ir!pact on the atorm eewar with the development <br />and aeked if the impact would be lesaened if [he applicant oreated one <br />leeR lot, ae he was doficient in width already. 0££icial Roee repYied <br />the problem would still be present, even with on~ lese lat. <br />Victor Viella, developer uf the property , etaCed that the land was <br />primarily six seperate lota now, which he waa trying to divide in half. <br />Ht added thut he wae not certain how one or two additional homes could <br />cantribute to the def.iciency of the sCOrm sewer eynCem, eince the water <br />would atill be there. <br />` $o~iasion Member Glazer aeked why the lota on the north eide were 109 <br />~ofeet wide, aud auggested that they be adjusted so that the other loCs <br />would be closer to code. Mr. Viella replied thst there wae ~uaC <br />one lot on the nortii si3e, which he aplit in half. Commi.seion Member <br />
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