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1979-02-14 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1979-02-14 PC Minutes
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Febraary 14, 1979 <br />page 2 <br />Ar~ Through diacueaion oP the Planninq Commleeion, eome membere have felt <br />~ ] that the Friday hefore Planning r.ommieeion meetinge is the dsy they <br />favor to raaeive their packets. <br />REVIEW OF LOT SIZE REQUIREMENTS <br />Cammieeion Member Burmeieter stated that the oriqinal concapt behind <br />al]owing two 75 Eoot lote to be oreated frum a 150 foot lot wae to <br />allow aubdivision of lote that were devnlop~d on aithor side and could <br />not acquire any more land. The intant aeeme ~~o have bee~x loat now and <br />af~yona with a 150 foot lot can eplit it in half. <br /><:ommieaion Member Blanchard stated ehe prePera to allow the 75 Fo~t <br />lot in minor subdiviei~ne only and not expand it to include major <br />eu6divisiona. <br />Commisoion Membar Glazer commented that the in+:ent wes to accommodate <br />Cha hcr.dship'that may ha~.~e been impoeed an peraone leavinq them with <br />no ~~har optiona. <br />Commlesion Member Fedor said he would ].ike the loophole in the extsting <br />Code cloeed to prevent juet anyone from creating amaller than 85 foot <br />lots. <br />Chairpersan Aaaka atated that the Planning Commission hae been strict <br />in not allowing lota to yet emal].er, evan in oppobition to the <br />M9tronol~.tan Caunail. <br />Commiael.on Member Glazer agree3 that the Metropalitan Council eeeme to <br />be promotin3 multiple dwellinqs. He etated that he would like to promote <br />eingle family dwellings. Perhapa even xelent in the aize requdrement <br />on eingle family lote and require larger area Eor mora intenae uaee. <br />Somehow we're to have to make it juet ae proEitable for eingle <br />family home builders. <br />Commisa:on Member puan statad he would like to ke.ep khe minimum 85 Fo~t <br />overall and mini.miza loopholae in existinq Code. He euggested adding <br />wording to the effect that the lanfl holder muet make an e£fort with <br />concerted diligence to acqu3re addi*_lanal proporty beEara the Planninq <br />Commieeion allowe creation oE 75 foot lote. <br />Commission Member Fedo= akated that the Commieeion had wants3 Y,o <br />overco:na qiving variancee of all types for people who wuuld hav~s problems <br />with loke that are 150 Eeet. The Commiesiun wanted to glve them enma <br />a~rt of ralioP. ttc.w wa tava laft i.t opsr, so that a 8cvelaper buyinc7 ~ <br />eeriee oE these lote could came in with minor oubdivieione on all c+f <br />them and fic Snto that claeoificetlon. We ahould att~y at tha 65 foot <br />whenever we can. IE we drop it to 75 Peet, it will then encourege even <br />omallar lntrs. The dsveloper eeeme to start at your mini.mum and go down. <br />~ <br />~„ <br />
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