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February 14, 1979 <br />Page 3 <br />~ Chal.rperson Hnahe atated that Lhe Planning Comm4asion hae the authority <br />to grant variancea. Howeve,r„ a hardship must be proven and money cannot <br />be a wnaiderati.on. Everytime the Cnmmiesi~n grante a.~ariance, iC <br />ia chipping away at ita own ordinancea. Sttetead of doing this, the <br />Commiesion deaidnd to allow the 75 fcot lote created from 150 footi <br />lote and do away with the neceseity of requastinq a variance. <br />Chairperson Haake etated that the conseneue UE Clie CommiasiRn ie that <br />the lnopholea must be cloead in oxieting Code. <br />~ommission Membgs Fedor euggestad a policy that would requiro an owner <br />reqiiesting a mdnor subdivielon to set out £uture plana for any, land <br />he hss surrounding the r~quested snbdlviaiori to get a total look at <br />that area rather than piecemeal it. And we'll require our 85 foot <br />lote. <br />Commission Member Burmeieter questioned the legallty of forcing a <br />land owner to dn khat. <br />Commisaion Member Fedor said we should continue to allow minor <br />eubclivlaion of. 150 foot lots to 75 feet. Perhaps there ahould be <br />time iimit betweon requeats fcr minor subd~:vision~ to ?revent one <br />trom coming in the same night with three minor requests. <br />Mayor McCarty, speakiny fram the audi~nce, r.oted that it is very easy <br />,,..`., with torrene property to transfer nwnerehip of property and circumvent <br />,'`T/ a time limit on one owner coming in for a eub8lvieion. <br />Councilmember Foralund atated she hated to aee lot eizes como down Wliat <br />with pseblema of water in the basements. <br />Commiesion Member Blanchard euggeated reviewiny the Citizens Storm <br />Sawer Auvisory Task Force Report to see its recommendations for the <br />area eurrounding the proposed Bayport Auree plat. <br />Chairpereon Haake atated tha.t thera is no rueh in coming bo a decision <br />toniqht on rewording the ordinance since Saypo,rt wae appr.oved with 82.5 <br />foot lots. <br />Cha~.rperson Hae'r:e etated L•he conaenaus of the Planning Commisaion is <br />that the original ordinance eksang~ allowing lots to go to 75 fn~t frontage <br />related to minor ~ubdivialona where St is imposeible for the petitioner <br />to acquire more land•to bring that lot up to our 85 font codo requirement. <br />Zt was not the intent to providz n loopholc, wa unwittingly dicl, <br />when the petitioner comes before us with a major subdivieion and wants <br />bmaller lot eizes than the 85 foot fruntaga. We would like to direct <br />etaff to write aomething into ordinance form, an add~tion to cur exieting <br />ordinance or whatever, to cloae th~o looFhole avd not have problems 11ke <br />that encountered with the Saypoxt Acree plat occur again. I9e would request <br />that Officlal Roee confer with Attornoy Meyers :,n thie and have <br />eomethinq Eor the next maeting, other.wiAe tho aecond Wednesday in March. <br />The Planning Commieeion wi11 reviow his proposed wording and make a <br />}~ recommendation to Councll. <br />