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1979-02-14 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1979-02-14 PC Minutes
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<br />February 14, 1979 <br />Page 4 <br />~ Mayor McCarty abeCed he would pzsEas to sea a4mething aome flirectly <br />Erom the Planning Commiesion becauee that ie who he and Counail aro <br />ralying on for direation in theee matbere. Perhaps Counoil oould <br />autihorixe tt~a Comm!.7sion t~ meet witih Attorney Meyere and review and <br />reoammend on thie iesue jointly. <br />Commiseion Member 6lazar etated he would be inte.reeted in having a juint <br />work eeeeion with Attorney Meyer.s. <br />Commieeion Member Burmeister steL•ed that etaYf is trainefl to do <br />theee things, to come up with ~ha pxoper leqal terminology Por what <br />the Con~ideion d~recte. <br />~ommiseion Member Fedor agreed that we ha~e used etaff we11 in the <br />paet. He'd prafer to have eteff come up with the proposed wor~ing, the <br />Commieaion review 1Y., and then on to Httorney Meyers. Ha ~tated that <br />the C~mprehaneive Plan ia coming up for review. We can review the <br />ieaue funther at that time if we etill have a problem. Staff's euygeetione <br />are a gaod starting point. , <br />Of£icial Rose will review with Attorne; Meyere and zacommend to the <br />Commieeion a way to close the existing loophole. <br />REVIEW OF (VEW Bfi2GHTON COI~SP.REHENSIVE PLAN <br />i,~ Chairperson Haeke atated that nane of tha Commisaioners had received <br />a capy of ths plan. 6he had onSy it tonight. It ia too <br />large to be copied. The Metropolitan Council q3ves surrounding <br />communities 60 days to respond. She suggegted the majer, areae to be <br />thorou9hly checked in the Plan are a:ha three blocks juet eouth oE <br />Mounds Viaw and proposals for uilver Lake Roa3 and Old Highway 8. <br />7inother concern is that there is nothing in the,Plan about the <br />sirport. <br />I Chairperson Haake will review the New Driqhtan Comprehe»eive Plan ~ <br />' and bring it back with remarke on anything thnt needa to be reviewed. It ~ <br />' will be on the next agenda. <br />~ Councilmember Yorelund statpd that the Commiasion wnuld be intarested ; <br />~ in the Mayor's Guidelines for a Land Use and Development Committee. ? <br />Chairperaon t5aake aeked that Official Rose dietributa the Gu3delines ; <br />to the Commiesion MemUers. j <br />~ <br />~ Commiasion Membar Blanchard stated she will be abaent from the next '. <br />meeting. <br />Commisalon Member Glazer asked ataff to inveatiqate whether or not the <br />'I <br />; City ia committed to uee tha seYvices of Midweat Planning for updating <br />our Comprehensive Plan. <br />~ MSF (Fedor-Burmeister) to adjourn r.C 8:55 PM. 6 ayas <br />!i ~~J aubmitted, <br />' Frank J. Kampel <br />Engineering Technician <br />
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