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1979-03-14 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1979-03-14 PC Minutes
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PROCEEDIN03 OF THE PLANNING COMMTSSION <br />~"1 CITY OF t40UND5 VIEkJ <br />RAMSEY C~UNTY, MINNESOTA <br />A rogulaY muetSng of the Mounda View Planning Commiaeion war~ called to <br />ozd~r by Chairperson Haake at 7:55 PM on Dlarch 14, 1479 at the Mounds <br />Viaw City liall, 2401 Highway 10, Mounds View, MN 55112. <br />Membere Preeent: <br />Chairpereon Haoke <br />Commiaeion t4ember Blanchard <br />Commiaeion Member Burmeister <br />Commieeion Member Fedor <br />Commieeion Member Free!nore <br />Commiesion Member Glazer <br />Commieaion MP~ber Goebel. <br />Commiseion DSember Quac~ , <br />Also Present: <br />Building and Zoning Official Roee <br />Chttirp~reon liaake stated that Commission Member Fosa was attending a bnaineas <br />meeting and would not be able f:o att~nd the. Planning Cocmniseion meeting. <br />Councilmember rorelund excused heraelf to attend a spzcial Counail meeting. <br />~~ airperson Naake aske3 that the minutea of Che February 28, 1979 meeting <br />~~e carrected on page 4, eighch paragraph, to read that the aiinor eubdiviaion <br />ordinance allowing a 75' 1ot size in a hazdeh~.p situation be repealed, <br />She also asked thet the fifth paragraph on page 6 be changed to read Chat <br />they did not raant to se.e a regional aervice center. <br />M3P (Goebel-Burmeister) to approve the minutes of the Febraary 28, 1979 <br />meeting as correated, 7 ayeo <br />1 abatain <br />MSP (Goebel-Burmeister) to xescind the prev3oua action taken and that the <br />Council not reinstate Che old zoning code provisions as Chapter 40.06 <br />Subdiviaion H (4). 6 ayes <br />2 nays <br />Chaiti:person Haal:e stated she had vatPd against the mr~t:Lon as ehe felt 160' <br />lota ahould be allowed to be divided into two equal lc~ts in minor autadivi- <br />aions as they had been f~r L•he paet 20 yPars, <br />MSP (BlanchArd-Pr2emore) co recounuend to the Councii that they deleCe fron <br />the present or.dinance that 75' lots be allowed, under Ghapter k0.06, Suh- <br />division B (3). 8 ayee <br />.TAM~S C. bIRCH - 2415 C01;NTY ROAD I- REZONING REQUEST <br />Birch explained that he had origiually come in to requeat a duplsx <br />c~"~evelopment but had changed hiu mind to a four plex and would like the <br />Commieaion'e cotmnenta on his plan. He stated that the property involved <br />
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