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March 14, 1474 page 5 <br />~wniesion Memoer nurmeiscer ni,ate3 that st:E falt Eive bu± rre-e tee <br />ny far the area, and that if one building wes elimitiated, it would halp <br />che problems conniderably, euch as the road and par?tin:g lot. <br />Commiesion Member Freemore asked if any consideration had been given to <br />suepended buildiexga, with parking underneath, Mr. Budzynski replied that <br />they would be very expeneive and not asthetically pleasing. <br />Commiesion Member Glazer expreseed coucern uver the futura market and who <br />the tenante might be, <br />Chairpereon Hanke puinted out that the applican~s are meeting the code <br />requirements, even with EiNe buildings. She aloo pointed uut that the <br />B-3 zoning would eliminate the undedirable tenants. <br />Commiaeion Member Quan lef.t the meeting at this tiwe. <br />Gor~miesion Member Durmeister staCed that she felt having the entrance on <br />Silver Lake Road would create atacking problema. Mr. B~±deynski replied <br />that there ia a choice between Silver Lake Road and Highcaay 10 and that <br />they wuuld peraonelly prefer. Iiighway 10. <br />Chairperson Haake aCated that ahe felt the was good and aeked that <br />drainage problems be addreased beEore the next meeting. <br />i'~.~mmiasion Member Fedor pointed out that the appli.cants should realize <br />~ at n city-wide sto•rm aewer systam is moat likely aeveral yenra off, <br />~~ <br />Co~issioh Member Goebe7. stated r(1at the lot does not provide a drainage. <br />problem presently and that ir. takes the water as quiclcly as it comea in. <br />He reco~ended t~at the applicante address getting the water into the <br />ground as clasely es poesib2e to where it comes from and that they not <br />allow the water to move any further than absolutely neceaeary. He also <br />reco~uended Chat zhe anow removal problems be addressed. <br />Chairperson Haake asked if the Chie~ was in a~reement with the <br />enCrnnce platt. OfPicial Rase replied that he has not revie•aed it yet 6ut <br />that• the access of£ Silver Lake Road would be adequate but if there was <br />only one acceao off Highway 10, il would pose a problem. <br />Commiasion Member Goebel stated ehat due co how busy the etreet ie, to:o <br />entrapces might be best, he also expresaed concern that having only one <br />entranae could provide a problem with fire protection. <br />Chsirperson Haake recoffinended that the applir_ant•a dia~uacs the plan wit.h <br />Sta=£ and Che engineering Eirm regarding on-site rerention ar~d drainage, <br />and ev~ergency vehiclea as far as Che ereific Llow patr.ersi ia concerned, <br />Cormniasioh Member Glazer also asked that the question of who will be <br />going into the buildings be addresaed, ' <br />Coanmieaion Member Goebel aukeJ wlieii ti.ey will begin goi.-~g ov~r tha Con- <br />ehensive Plan. Official Rose replied t.hat it is a deciaion <br />who will be doing it, and that Sr.aff will be discusaing it with the <br />~Gouncil at the next agenda seasion. <br />