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1979-03-28 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1979-03-28 PC Minutes
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n PROCEEDINGS OF THE PLANNIN~ COMMISSION <br />CITY OF MQUNDS VIEW <br />~ RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />A regular meeting of the Mounds View Planning Commiaeion wae called to <br />order by Chairperaon Haake at 7:30 PM on March Z8, 1979 at the Mounda <br />View City Hall, 2401 Highway 10, Mounda View, MN 55112. <br />Membei~a Present: <br />Chairpereon flaake <br />Coum~iseion Member Burmeister <br />Commiseion Member Fedor <br />Commiseion Member Fose <br />Commiesion Member Freemore <br />Covmiiseion Member Glazer <br />Cocmtiasi.on Member Goebal <br />Aiso Preaent; <br />Building and Zoning Of£icial Rose <br />Cossncilmember Foralund <br />Membere Abaent: <br />Commiasion Member Quan <br />Chairper.son Haake stated that Co~mnisai.on Member Blanchard's hueband was <br />ici Che hospi.tal and that ahe would not be attending the meeting. She <br />added tha[ ehe had not henrd f.rom Commission Mewber Quan. <br />Chairpereon Haake aslced that the minutea of the March 14 meeting be <br />/"`~orrecL•ed to ~~d a moti.on on page 1 to reconeider the pr~vious_action.of <br />~.~ Sebruary 2$ re~;ardin~ the motion to the Council and secommend to the <br />^-'Eouncil that tUeq do not reinetate the oid aoning code proviaions ae <br />Chapter 40,06 Subdividion B(4), with the motion made by Haake, seconded <br />by ]Burmeister, and paaeed with 8 ayes. <br />Commiealon Memhex Quan joined the meeting at thia time. <br />Commiesion Member Freewore aeked that the March 14 minutes be clarified on <br />page 5, aecond paragraph, that he was only addreasing the parking eituation <br />and impervious surface, noe the asthetics at that time. <br />Commiaeion Member Fedor aeked that paragxaph 8 on page 5 be clarified to <br />etste that the applicanta ahould realize that a city-wide storm sewer <br />eyetem wae ~uae turned down by tha City and that he did not forsee a eyetem <br />baing approv~d in the near future, und ttiat ehe applicante ehauld plan <br />thair on-site retention ae being permanene. <br />Cammisaion Member Goebel aalced t~at tha nineth paragraph on page 5 he <br />changed to reflect that he had recommended the applicanta conaider a gravel <br />filled ditch to increase infiltrecion. <br />Neil Loeding, 5046 Longview Drive asked if the firat on paga 5 <br />wae correct. Of£icial Rose replied that it could read that the azea was <br />' inadequate for either e three or five year etorm. <br />! ~'~~`'om Budzyneki pointed out that the name Town Companies han been used <br />~,~1i,~ouar.outi the minutes and it ahoulti be kealty Man ProperLiee. <br />Coiraniseion Mamber Gl~xer aeked that the coumtent he and Commiseion Memb~r <br />Goebel hnd made be included on page 3, why use additional people t~ buffer <br />the people Erorti other pe~ple. <br />
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