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1979-03-28 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1979-03-28 PC Minutes
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, . <br />March 28, 1979 <br />J <br />Pege 2 <br />~"OSSP (Glazer-Freemore) to approve the March 14, 1979 minutea as <br />VLLtlCCC~~ e &y88 <br />Chairpereon Flaake aeked that it be ttoted that Commiseion Member rreemore <br />wuuld ba in Germany on buainees fram the second Wedneeday in May through <br />tha firet Wednesday in June, <br />ROBERT PAJAK - MINOft SUBDIVI9ION - 0420 REU OAK DRIVE <br />Mr.. Pa~ak presented e eketch of hie lot and propoaed and <br />developmant. He udded that he had not had the required eurvey of the lot <br />taken due to tha coet of it and thae he pZanned on having one dana whan <br />it wsrmed up and would be less expeneive. He atsted that he would like <br />approval of the 7.ot eplit 10' in front of the exieting garaga and aleo <br />thae he would like to leave the garage up but Caka down the chicken coupe. <br />Chaisperoon Heake pointed out that thP ordinancc allowe 218 equare feet for <br />garages and that Mr. Pa~ak's exieting garage in 277 equare feet, <br />Commisaion Member Fedor aeked why a building permit hsd been i,aeued tor <br />Cwo garages on the lot. Official Kooe exnlained that it had been iesued <br />by a former member of the Building Staff, approximately 3 yeare ago. <br />Co~iasion Member Burmeieter pointed out that they have requ.tred people in <br />r"'+~,he pase to either take the acceseory garages down or cut them down to <br />~ ize, Mr, Pajak repl3ed thaC he wauld be willing to put a amaller door on <br />`~--~t and that he could cut it down to eize but that it would be coetly. <br />Commiesion Member Fose pointed out Chat a policy hae been adopeed Y.o split <br />lota ia half, wherever posaible, unless a definite hardehip was ehown. He <br />added thst in mauy i.netancea, people have been required to remave garages. <br />He also atated that the applicant should be requir.ed to line up with the <br />neighbora. <br />Commiaeion Member Goebel asked what condition and age the gaxage was in. <br />Mr. Pajak replied that it ia very nld but well built, <br />Officia7. Rose reported t•hat Che lot to the north has been aubdivid~d, pro- <br />dueing e 239' deep eaet Iat and a 234' deep west lot, with it being en <br />equal aplit. He slao etated that a uinimum 5' utility easement ehould be <br />granted along the rear loe liae~, and that the garaga on the propoeed west <br />lot exceeds the 5' eetback requirement, although it does face enet. He <br />added that both lote are buildnble and serviceable. <br />Official Rose seated that the storm aewer is inadequate for a three year <br />etorm. 8e also atated thet it would be very beneficial to have a eurveyore <br />cert3ficate of the lst. <br />Mr. Pgjak ataeed that it would requ~re a usenge oE materials Co knock 5' <br />oz£ the garage to bring it down to che required elze. C~mmiasion ~a~bar <br />`""" ~azer i>ointed out YhAt t~e new house could be attache3 to the old gsrage <br />E~s/f Mr. Pa~ak was concern~d with conserving ener~y . 3 resourceo. <br />Chairperson Hss~e polled the Commise~on for their thoughts. <br />
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