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1979-03-28 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1979-03-28 PC Minutes
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Msrch 28, 1979 <br />Page 3 <br />~""~pmmiesion Meinbar ~uan etatad thet he did not have e;1 opinion. He then <br />~ dded 'chec ha woula ba Ln fnvut: of allcwing the sp11C a7d rsquiring <br />L•he appl3cant ro take down the chicken coupe and taka the door off the <br />garage, <br />Commieeion Member Foea etated that meny people have been turned down in <br />the paet and recommended that they continue with even lot splite. He <br />added that the garaga could be moved and coneidered a non-conforming use <br />and a new door put on, <br />Co~iseion Mamber Burmeister atated she could not see any hardahip for <br />~ granting a varianc~e for an acceesory building. She stated khaC Mr, Pa~ak <br />ehould be required to take the garage down or cut it down to meet code. <br />She elso atated that ehe would agree to moving the lot line cloaer to the <br />~ garage to bring it closer to an even lot eplit, <br />~ <br />f Commiaeiun Member Glazer etated that he did not see that many probleme <br />j with the deve'!~pment. <br />I Commieaion Member Fedor etated that he cculd not see how the lot line could <br />~ bo moti~ed to within 3' nf the garap.,e i.f a 5' eaeemenr. was required, aa the <br />± garage would be 2' into the easement, <br />~ Commfeaion Diember Goebel atated that it was difficult to aelc a pereon to <br />~ move a building but that a 3' or 5' offset in the middle of the people <br />~,rqould cause probleme later. He added that it would be wiser to divide <br />~e lot in the mi3dle, especially aince it will be a long term, permanent <br />~ `^^fleciei~n. He also recommended that a amaller door be put on the garage. <br />~ Commiesion Member Freemore atated that he did nat see any major problems <br />with an uneven lot split or with the exieting bullding. He also atated <br />~ that many lots had been unevenly eplit in the area. <br />{ Official Rose pointed out that if. the lot wae aplit i.n half and the garage <br />j cut down to meet code, it would not infringe on the easement anc: would <br />be up to code in all wayc. <br />~ Commiseion Member Goebel atated that Mr„ Pa~ak ehould make the deciaion <br />of whaC he wante to do and not expect the City to do it for him, Mr. <br />C, Pa~ak repli.ed that he w~uld be agreeable to removing the door and the <br />coup but that he did not want to aplit the lot in the middle and he did <br />' not want to bear the cost of movln~ L-he gnrsge. <br />; <br />4 Cocm~iseion idember BurmeSster stated ehe felt the Planni.ig Ccmmission should <br />, not take any action until Mr. Pa~ak bringa in a eurveyore oertificate eo <br />they knaw exactly what they are lvoking at ar.d where ttie boundries are, <br />She added that aurveyore certificates have been required of all applicanta <br />in the paet and they have all been able to meet the coet. <br />Co~iseion Member Goebel etated that it was critioal at thia time tn know <br />the lot dimeneione and where the eplit would be and that they ehould not <br />~' Qice any action unt].l they know where the miaazp of the lot ie. <br />'MS (Burmeiater-Foae) that Robert Pa,jak, 8420 Red Oak Drive be required to <br />divide hie lct equally and that in order to adhere to the 5' eaeememt, <br />whatever part of thE eziating old garege that is on the 5' <br />easemenC be removed. <br />
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