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1979-04-11 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1979-04-11 PC Minutes
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April l.l, 1979 <br />Page 3 <br />.~"'<Chara was con~siderable dincueei4n between the Planning Cormnieeion membare <br />~ n eelecting a planning conaultant and working ori the Comprehennive Plan. <br />Commieeion Member Fedor left the meeting at thi.e time. <br />Cheirpereon Haake aeked that anyona who had namee of firme or individuals <br />they would like conaidered for the planning coneultant, contact Official <br />Roee with rhoee nemes~ 6he uLeo aeked that tha candidates they will ba <br />coneidaring be ennt a copy of Mounds Viaw'e Compreheneive Flan and aek <br />them .ihRt they would do to update it end what their coet eetimate would <br />be, She aleo recommanded that they be aekad to eend Mounde Viaw a coPy <br />of a Compr~heneiva Plan they had done for another city in tha Metro area. <br />Official Roee racommended that the Planning Commiyeion loo:. at a firm <br />on the baeis of what they are capable of, the guality of their work <br />and thair ota~f compatiUllity with City o£f.ioiale. <br />Peg Mountain aeked what planning £irme do with the Compreheneive Plan <br />wnen *.hey receive it. Chairperson Haake repl3ed that thsy review it <br />and outline what they wauld'be doing to up3ate it, and their cast. <br />OfEicial Rose atated he would send lettera to the firma the Planning <br />Commiasion is interested in. He added ehae L•he tirme usually eome in <br />and talk tn Staff firat, before doing any work or estimating. <br />~nmmieaian Member Goebel asked Officinl Rose to outline the procedure, <br />(~ Iuch as how he seee the workload. OfEicial Roae replied that he will <br />~.~sek ehe planning firme to update the plen pureuant to State atatutes, <br />and they wi11 itemize what they will do, and he wi11 suc~arize their <br />proposale and determine what SL•aff can do. <br />Cammiesion Member Quan paeaed out a propoeed planning policy to the Planning <br />Coomission and asl:ed them to review itc for diecueeian at a later meeting. <br />He reviewed it and atated that he felt the Planning Commieeion wae not <br />working as well as theq could, a.rd cited an example o£ how they often get <br />off into diecuaeian on an application and take moze time then they ehould <br />hava to. Chairperson `Iaake nnd Curt~mieaton Mesber Burmeister explain.ed <br />to Mr. Quan that that ia how the Pianning Commiaeion worke, and that while <br />they da agree it would be beneficial to have an agenda sesston be£ore <br />meetin~e, they are bound by the open meeting law and thue have to hava <br />all their diecuasionA during the o£f.icial meetings. <br />Commission Member Glazer added that he has been to other Planning Commisaion <br />meetings and he feels Mounde View compares very favo.rably. <br />Commission Member Quan left at thi.e time. <br />MSP (Goebel-Blanchard) to adjouzn the mee.ting at 8:50 PM. 6 ayes <br />,~.~eepect£ully su tte , <br />~ ~ <br />St en A, oae <br />Building and Zoning Official <br />~:,,: <br />
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