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1979-04-25 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1979-04-25 PC Minutes
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P~OCBBDIN08 OF THB PLANNINO QOMMI89ION <br />C2TY OF MOUNDS VIEN <br />;t~:t3~7 con?;rqj ~3INii?84Ti <br />i <br />~~A ragul~r o~~tipg of the Mounda Viow Plonning Commicsion vas c~lled to <br />ord~r by Chxlep~r~on Ha~k• at 7s30 PN on Apcil 25, 1979 ae tha Mounds <br />Viaw Citq H~11, aaoi 9xghway 30, Hounds Vlav k!N 55112. <br />Hambare Yr~rauts <br />Chairperaon B~ake <br />C.amuio~ion Hambor <br />Conmis~ioa l4~mbar <br />4omml~sian M~mbar <br />Comwieaion Kambar <br />Comml.ssicn Nambar <br />Commiulon Mamber <br />ai.~~n.ra <br />Burmaistet <br />Foss <br />Praamora <br />Goebal <br />Quan <br />Aimo Prasnne= <br />Duilding 6 2ooing <br />OEficial Aora <br />Membura AbeaQUE (axcusad bq <br />Chaisparson Haaka)7 <br />Commieeion Hamber Pador <br />Commiraion M~mbnr 63aser <br />Chairpersan B~Rka an~i Gommiseioo Mewber Coobel euggeeeed ehree corr~ctioos <br />to th• April ~-L, 1959 minutea, Sn tha thl.rd paragraph uudar HINOB SUR- <br />6IVISION Ct8QUE9T--&088R PAJAR change....vrrirnca of 635 equare faek.... <br />to • eari+naca of 59,5 equare fe~t. Yn the esma paragraph thn lase aaatenca <br />should raad ao folloe+s: "xher• !e a 5' aa~ement on eh• lol• linae •nd [he <br />OMY~lI' ia rwsro ehat da is iafriuging on the aasaaant and it vill be hin <br />ra~pooelbiliey to aither mova Ehe garage or takn cara oE ray rapair. re~ultiog <br />froo baiag on tLa aasemnnt, •hould the city c6oooa to axercia• it• optf.oanl <br />rig6t eo ths ea~so~ne. <br />...., k64 (Fo#~sJG~04ba1) Co appt'ove ib~ r~iuuteo of Ap~il 11~ 1979 c5 Cuic`dCCau. <br />~' 7 aqae <br />~r,r; <br />XINO& 90DDIV28ION HEQUSST--SUGSNS H. TONAS--5065 BONA ROAD <br />Official Rosa repor2ed on sub~set property meaeuring 220' Y 13k' proposad <br />to be eubdividrd into tvo equal lote, each 110' x 134'. Botk lots meat <br />minimuw area and frontage raquiremantr. Nates and eavar service is av~il- <br />•b',a ln t6e atreeG aod aever le exte¢ded to the propartq linee of both <br />lo2w. The aurtL lot has an axieti¢g 18' etnrm eewar evlvert whiab amptlae <br />itself onto and acroee Chie loC for pick up st the etr.eet. Thie dStch <br />could aitbar be maiutained ae exiete ax could be pipad. In either crse, <br />an easemeut xould be xequired OdCP xpprqximetely ehe uortlt 30 feer. Also <br />min~mum £iv• feoe dralaage and ueility e~eementa ~hould b• required arouud <br />eh• parisetax of the loee. Beeauee the lote are locatad in • lor/wet •rea, <br /> aould be xequirad to insnre tha pzopoeed homee eaf• •lnvation. B:isCing <br />etorn eaw~r xarvica is av~ilable o¢ Bona Road vtth eatch Latioe in tL~e <br />imsediat• ar~a of tbese lota. <br />Sta£f cousidero Chie eubdlvision ae propoaed to Ln buildabla. SGaff <br />reconeanda to tha PLYGO!!1f( Commission tha[ eacumante be required as oat- <br />lined Sn Ch• abova raport. A grading pian would aleo b• r~quired due ta <br />tha ab~ve thrae plaoaing coacidarationo. <br />Commleeion Mambar iioebel questloned hov deep t6e lanu wae co groua~ wates. <br />Of€ieirl A~sae india~tad 62~w grauod vater !n i4• ar~+ wae at 8d6 nnd che <br />~.ow pzupesty l~v~l xae 886. Chelrperson Haaka pointed oat that it res <br />~ecau~• of ehin £or Yroubid with surfa~ca watar thet a gre~ding <br />plan would ba saquised. ~ <br />
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