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1979-04-25 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1979-04-25 PC Minutes
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Aprxl 25, I979 P~go 2 <br />Commi~~lon M~mb~r Ooebel •xprur~d conu~rn about a eubsur£~ce structure <br />Eeinp put oa thi~ land. Officlal Ro~• LndicaCad that if a propoa~d <br />~tructur• !~ vtthia 5 fwat oY eha wakar lavei~ driiu tila uould b= raq~~ired. <br />%~8P (Quan/6oabml) ta recammand to tba aouncil that thay approve this sub- <br />divitioa a~ eubmtCCad vith the waterv~y earament aa a~eo oc t6• •keech <br />subelttad datnd 4/23/79. It wfluld locluda aleo Che nornal fiva foot dr~inag• <br />j •ed utility aas~oant an all eidea of Ch• properry, Tha draiaaga that croaeae <br />+ !Le prop~rYy should ba properly grrdad, eu either ov~rland or conduit con- <br />[ ~truction uith a grading pl~n to be auomiCted to the city oa davalopmant <br />~, at the ti~a of perm~lt applicaCinn. <br />DEV6LOPM$NT P%OPOBAL--CBOR66 HALVORSON--790! HI~RWAY 10 <br />~ Official Ros• raportad thet the devmloper requsse• to build tvo 24-unlG <br />two-etory building~ ou th• 3.1 acra ~ite. Some pl~oni¢g con~ldarations <br />~ •r• ChaC e~irting soning fu R-4 tnultipl• family), tha Coaprehunaiva Pl~a <br />~ land u~a danot~• !t to ba mediuw deceil•y, and the proporEq c~ntaina a <br />oingln-Farily hu~m whiah Sa intended to be ramoved. <br />i <br />t' SaiotinQ aewar and water are available on Oakvnod Drive. ne vell a• sewar <br />oely on IIighway 10. The devaloper propo~a~ te serva hims~lF, Th• ueareot <br />~ storw eqw~r la loceted at th• Oakwood b Knollwoud Driva lutarraction, buh i~ <br />inad~quate for a thraa-yaar etorm for #u11 devslopmant of the araa. Auy <br />water ~yrtaA SnatAllnd vould bn requirad to bn looped. <br />TLc propoe~d eit• plan meots opan atea requiremanie oP 625 •quara faat pat <br />uait. Frincipl• buildSags mvat ~inieum eatback raqu~re~~ntr. Th• davmloper <br />4~proFos~a Co uae tha top of t6e garxga ae a r.acra~Cioaal araa. <br />~~~Tha dnv~lep~r propoee~ dovble •aoe~e with pnivata drivevxys acce~~LYl• to <br />ftighway 10 •nd Oakvood Ur2vm, Both dxlres aould exlend to tha edga of t6a <br />aart proparry 11nA (varisnco raquired ~s 5 faet). T6• accmra of Oakxood <br />rould rsguira usa of us exiatiag 25 foot clCy ro~d s~ienene. Tba accaes <br />as provldnd vould not f~cili.tate eraffic looping of tha propartq ro eLe <br />aast e41ch aould rmdacs the uvmber of curb cuCa on Aighvay 10. <br />ParkAng r.equirameate call for a Coeai of 120 epacee. 72 grad~ ouedoor and <br />48• epacae. Devalopnr rnqu~ses Co hava 59 gradc outdoor and 62 <br />garage unies. Non-rental gxrtge apacae oaem Co he renuired to •eaure <br />adequaCa £rea parking. Stall eizaa aad Landicapped tpacet ara adaquate. <br />~`, Th~ f•lleving itama •hould ba reqaired and daaotad on aoy eita plan: <br />j! soddinY; tra~s, •hrub~ •~d burhes; concrate cur~ing; paving; and parking ; <br />;', rtxipiog. Thm~e itn^s vould ba raquirad eo ba bondod as we21 aa tha pubiic <br />or prLvata imptavauent~, ~ <br />• C6~irp~raon 8aeka qua~tionad wL~n thlo propo~tl flrst ^ppenr+d. 0#finial <br />~oaa rep2ied it had b~en •ix saatho a8a rhen the dawaxep~r wRnted to ~ub- <br />divid• th• property. <br />, Pal Lu~dquiet (reprerantlog Mr. Gamz~a H~ivossou) commantad regarding tha <br />parklag io cbs propo~ad Ssvelapso~t, t~at alih the p~r~ge co¢nectet to <br />baCL buildiogs, iC would fRCillCata heCh EuLYdinge. <br />i ~ <br />'w./R4r. fla' Joyal wa~ also !n aLLendanoa r~prerenl•Sng Nr. Ceorga 8r~vorrsn. <br />
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