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1979-04-25 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1979-04-25 PC Minutes
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Aprl1 25, 1979 <br />Page 4 <br />Commlaalon Membare ~oebal aud Burm~istar buth statad eoocern Por cousidering <br />th• whola piane oP land r~kher th~q pieceos~l. <br />(' lormiorlou Hrmbar ~oaEa? tndtaated e6ae LP h6ay sold dhA• laad, Eha buyar <br />~ould bava to dsal altk water probleme. OPPlcial Roae indicaL•ed Ehia caa <br />ba done via s lagal, aarceaant. Hr. Hatharn voiced hSe diepleaeure aith <br />draviag up eush • covenane whea tLa clty raqulrenente xara uuknoaa. <br />Comal~eioa Nembaz aoab~l indicated there is no problam aith r eingle <br />~trucCUr• now, but !t might cauae problame in tLe fuCUre eince devaloping <br />th• ramaicinQ property ol~ht tmposa more drniaa~a tequiremants. The Council <br />le pra~ently dafiaiag wuaC ~torm v~tsr dra!¢aga criteria ahich may be uead. <br />Cornia~ion ttonber 6oebel queehioned thn posmSbility of combtaiag Chn r,hree <br />lots ioto ona. Mr. Budzyineki indicatmd thie wae impoeaible aince all <br />thraa lote aara purchared separately and were eerviced by ehree dtffereot <br />debt aerviceb. ~ <br />Commio~ion Meaber Ooabel eu~geeted t.he poesiSilir.y nf comioa Back vith •n <br />avarall ~lrn for al.l three lote ~tiowing one buiidiag and the other loCe <br />vacaat. <br />Cowissioe Hember Burmoieter auggested tte plen aleo ehov kh• aff~ct of <br />the rnadway. <br />Chairpateon $aake queskioned the conformlt.y of structures ia an are~. <br />Offir,lal Roea 1o.dicaCad tha city can look at an ares and paee tequirnma¢te <br />; r,,or tha whole area iovolved. <br />!~„~,,,~aQ Houctaie intarpreted the Comaiaeion'e deeire foc an overail plaa for <br />the properey with a commitm2at to the PUD, allowing epace oa the property <br />foc incorporatioc of the Ring-road co¢cept. <br />Ro~er Baae$artner, 7585 &nollvoad, sugggated the P1~nning Qomalaston aud <br />Couscil •dould be auare of how thie davelopqent wouLd affnct tda araa. <br />Mr. riathern iadiqated that, at the t~me they were ~oneidering coa+truction <br />of Ilve buildings, it would have caused a problem, but one buiading vould <br />not cause anq xunofE proble~. <br />Chnirpereon Haake suggeeted rn nnaineer •hauid really iook at !t to deter- <br />mine the prnblsma that migh[ be creeted. <br />Chairpetaon Haaka thea inetructed Mr. Msthern & Hr, Budzynak! to come <br />b4ck with an overall plan rhowing thn buildin~, empty lote and the <br />poaefbility of • ruad. <br />c,oemlri~ion Hembnr quan t4anked !lr.~ Mathnrn and Hr. Rudaynekl for their <br />exe~plxry attitude during the procnedis~e. <br />MS (Quan/Goebel) to accept the ariteria (13 eelection of a pla¢niag <br />consultan:) he preeented ~t the last manting. <br /> dlscueaion regarding the clerihy of thie motioa, it war then <br />~,, <br />reatatnd as £o11oWe: <br />~M9P(qurn/6oebul) Ca reaonmend tbat cue ?I¢nntn~ Ccxau'!taat wa:ee_Lo9 <br />ceiteris be paueed on to thn Council for thair coueidezaLioa. <br />7 ayo• <br />
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