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1979-04-25 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1979-04-25 PC Minutes
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Ap:ll 3g~ '1079 <br />PRg• 3 <br />Chairp~r~on Ha~k• qu~~tionud Ghe posa4bSlity of usioq ihe grraQa wltheut <br />a fsa. Hr,~Lu¢dquiat fa~l~ Ch~y ar• providina moc• parking than raquirad, <br />thak `L.5 ie s aurbar of apacmr~ 0or• ehaa 1 to 1. HovevaY, if n~c- <br />~^,neeery, hhey could provide •osa ineida ep~c~~ fraa, <br />r <br />C~smiocioa Ma~bez 8urmeisker brought up tha queetion of whaem cesponribilicy <br />it vould be to eat~blieh a¢d m~int~in Che drivaweye. <br />Cheirparaon H~ake poi¢ted out the eouCh ~:xit entexs a qaiet reeidentlal <br />otreet. Mr. Lundquist i~dlcatAd thare is a 25 Yooe citq road eaaemea[. <br />ChaSrpar~on Aaaka ctaEed Che adopCed Compsehanrive Plan indicates thie area <br />woald ba mediuo deooity, but ehf.e parcel of land ia eeill zoaed R-1. <br />Thetefore, thls developaaaC propoeal aould not be !n accordance wlt6 the <br />Compreheneive Plan. <br />Mr. Lundqui.eE queetioneA rhat0er thie would mean 2be cLky vould downgrad6 <br />t4p property. <br />Chalrperson 0aake i¢diaated at Ghe [imn of the Comprehenaive Plan iu 1974 <br />and 1975 obwere hrd bean notified of ~he reeoniag. <br />Mr. Lundquisk lndicated he £elt Mr. H~lvoreon aoula be oppoeed to aucl~ <br />reioning. <br />HSP ($~ake/Goebsl)Co rncomueod to Couacil thd dnni~.~, of Hr. Salvorroa's <br />raqus~t for 2908 BiAhaa~ 10 of an A-4 develop~ent coneisCiug of tvo 24-uait <br />apattaent bui~dioga. The rnaenne are: thn Compredensive Plan adopCed by <br />('~°~t~e s~~munity daeignatee Chis parcel as baing in DLetrLcC 22, It eu;gaete <br />,~,~th~t medi~m deusity type rnsidenciat developmant ba entabllahed nlong <br />Highw~y 10 and the remrinder of tha dietrLc[ be predominantly eingle <br />faailq rasideatial. Aleo, in our Goale and Pu2iciea oa pega 40; A--2, <br />the exLeClag charecter o£ lnv density nei~hborhood Pamilias bc maintainad <br />•cd presarved bq preventing encroacdment frow higher unit typaq and by <br />buffaring theae neighborhoude from other types of land uenc. Alaa in A-t3 <br />rauideutial naighboxhoode shall Ee protected from peoetr~tion by tLrouah <br />tr~ffic. Aleo on page 41, B-~3 aad #4, transitioa~l zonne ehall be pro- <br />vided bntween deeign~ted differeut deaeity houei¢g; a¢d H-#4, altaruate <br />foros of 6oueing the medlum denaik.y r~uge wi~l be provLded i¢ tt~nstonal <br />are~e beh,Kada eing2e famtly reaidentirl neighborhoods aad Ligh dmpaiCy <br />xesidentia2 devel~pRant. 7 ayas <br />A6ALTY HAN PROY&HTISS--N&. TOM SUD2YN9RI 6 H~. MAT88RN <br />Mr. Budzynaki aud Hr. Nat4etn ehowed the Plauaing Commisoion thair plaa <br />to build oae 4,000 equare foot building (two atorias with 2,000 equare <br />feet on each £loor) nt rha corner of Silver Lake Road and Ni~hWay 10~ <br />TLe plan vould lnclude 16,000 equaxn feet for ~arking lot. Twa afhor lota <br />~djoin wlth no propoaed plaa unt11 auch Cime that tha citq sequireuentn be <br />e~tab11~4ad for drainage. TGe gropueed building aould be occupiad by their <br />buoineee with •daqua[e parkiog aad graen space provided, <br />Chairpareo¢ Haake queetionnd the pnaaibility oE au averall pl~n, ehowing <br />tha road o£f Hi~hway L0. <br />~ <br />`~.s~2[r. Mathara iudlcated thie xould bn impoeaible at el~is tima dua to Lack <br />of clty requiremente. <br />
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