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M~y 9, 1979 <br />Ps;a 7 <br />..~ au eaaomeat on the dead for dreinepa right of aayt to Cho southaaaC <br />~ of !ha dmvelopnent patcal 30 feet Erow its maziou~ aouth linA. A~lCa <br />plan would b^ raquirmd wiCh landecaping ioclud~d, nnd •dequsta bond ba <br />e~tabli~fiad ior. plantina or e,~ddina,RradinII, curb and Quttsr, paviug <br />epd publlc tuproveueut~. The Ylsaaina Oommtsslon aleo recocrosnd~ <br />the clo~ing of unueod privata curb cuta. <br />7 ayee <br />Comaira~oa Meaber Ooebel stated tt~e propomal Wae approved wlth the <br />uaderetandlaR Cd~t tha Plannisg Coapie~Saa expecte Eo hava • more <br />adequete plsn submittad by Ghe devnlopere ia Che Future. <br />MCDONALD~S ADDITION Yk0Y08AL <br />~~F (QuaulOeob¢1) to tablc the HcPone3d'e re;ueat el~ce r_~.q ~wr. qh u wC <br />due Cu th~ir attaadance at enother City Councll ueeCLa~. <br />7 aycs <br />DIBCUBOIGN--NSXT AGSNOA 4 PRSVIOUS CIxY COUNCIL ACTIONB <br />1. pffLciRl &~en inf~rxed the Commieuloa he had eant lettaxa out to <br />the c~rp~aiee thay wlsh to i¢earviea for pLR9R~0~ coasulCael. 8a is <br />la thm proaeec of aetYiu; ur intervieva and will repor; back aC tha <br />nezt ^eetiaQ. <br />2. Offloi~l R~de ouggaetad tha poeeibility of c6an~inQ thQ. <br />~ C~rsiotian ~aoC1e6 ni~ht to either Eha weak before ar tha acek aftar <br />C~uxail mwatings. This aould eli~inate the heavy eorkload craatad by <br />the aaed far two aKeodae o¢ Fridaye be£ore Ceuncil and Plannins <br />C~waiaeiou ~eeelnQe. <br />Ch'airpesrsR Hapk~ auQgasCad 8taff draw up a three-month aela¢dar. <br />Csu~cil~e~ber Forsluad aug~ested Ehe posaibility of movia~ the date <br />te C6e firat •cd khird veak of tha mo¢th. <br />HSP (Hatike/Sur~eletas) tl~nt Planafng Cbmmiseioa meetiase be chaeQad <br />to the firat and third wneke of tha mopl•h reahar than eacmnd an1 fourth, <br />etartiaa xit4 Jua~ 6. 7 ayes <br />Offlcial floce indicatad Chat Staff would accommodats Che deuble-up thaC <br />occurs in eo~s ~ottzhs, auah as AuQust asd October. <br />Co~riaeion Marbar Quan eugaeeted the annousceueat be put into thc New <br />BriQb.o^ Bullatin and posted in City Hall. <br />3. Offlcial Roca handed out to tSn Placaiu~ Coe~isaion wsmbare • check- <br />off li~t for thaSr uee in reviewiay proaecte that comu b3fore thos. <br />He re¢t or to iedicstm that Cormisalon Mewbere unra belaoea to ~eka <br />su~~eetionr ae to how they would want tu aee Staff involved in tbeir <br />proaeseee. <br />Seme diacusaion took placa rnaardiae the citlzoa aaceeoibility of <br />i~J i¢for~ation euch as zoaieY codns, eCc. <br />