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1979-05-09 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1979-05-09 PC Minutes
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May 9, 1979 <br />Pege 2 <br />planGinp, IIradin~, curb nnd guECer, p~viaa and public improvemeate. <br />~~~ The dnvelepere had no furthaY coomadts to rdd Co Offlcial Roee'e raporb. <br />~ Oomri~eion Nanbar Ooabei queationed tha developereae tu how they folt <br />f sbout tha requlccmant~ for vater end ro~d eaeamente. Mr. Budsyarki <br />reptiad thara wauld be no problan providin~ the rvo assemonte. <br />Qoesiealon Ksuber Ooebel snd Chairpareuo Nnake expressad their desire <br />to see •n overall plra for the thrae lot~ per the Plenni¢g Coaciaeion <br />rsque~! ~t tbe April 25, 1979 maatin~. Mr. Hudzyneki dxew on the <br />dr~wina~ dieplayed tor tha Co~mi~eioa whare the eaaemente wo~.tld be <br />locaeed. Nhan aeked by Oommleeiou Meabsr ~ocbal if the other eNO lota <br />w~ra included in thia plao~ Mr. Matharo replied rhoy weru not aad it <br />aae impoeeible at thie time due to lack of requlra^ente. <br />~~ Co^~SSe1aa Meubar Quaa queetloped tha source of tha drawinQ entitled~ <br />"&iq~ H~ad 6yetaw"~ atkaci~sd ln Ci~e 9ummary of T,squast, Tlr. ~udxy~ekl. <br />I replied it wae not theiro, but tbat of the city. <br />~! Mr. Mrt4era indicated the road eaeemnnt would be no servicin~ ptoblem <br />i Co theo. If t4e eaeeaent vae required, they would accoomod~ta tha cSty. <br />~ Corai~slon Heaber BuraeleEer yueerioned vhetber tLa ees¢meuC hsd to be <br />fixad or if it could bn fl.exiblu, la tha avaot the city miQhE waot it <br />woved. Official lteae SndlcsCed theC a coveaa¢t of that nature has a <br />j ' definita leQal daecription. It ie ueually vary epeciflc acd results <br />fros an a~rc.erent of tha parties Savolved. <br />~ <br />~ Mr. M~charn et~ted be could provide a 20 tn 30-foot eaaerant, peefer- <br />I rablq acroee the lavnr part of the property rathar tLaa acrcea tbe <br />~ la¢d which could deetroy tha Sntended usage. Ha axpreesad Lio deubt <br />Chara eould be a riag, road but2t becauae of Che etandin~ water problam. <br />~~ Chairpereun Haake explained Co tbe dnvelop~re that thn accaeeibility <br />was aended for the neiyhboriay lote ae weil ae theire. <br />Coa~ieeloa Nasbex 6oebel indicated he thou;ht ehe wet area cnuld be <br />filled io order to build a road. <br />C6aisparaon Haake emphnsizad that a 6-inch w,ater main would aleo <br />ba raquired. Nr. Budz~neki eruted Chis ves no prohlem aad it they <br />would r~ceiva Euture city requSremeate, they aould waka ad~uetreste <br />^ccordlnaly. <br />~~ Hr. $ epatrd t6ey presenel~ hed SOx green erea which is betCer <br />', that tLe city requlrea. <br />j MSP (Coabel/Quan) to racommead to the Couacil tho propoeal ae eub~itted~ <br />~ and thaC the devoloparu do !n fuct place •a easn~eol for acceaaibillty <br />to the aorth aad ~auth by tke east kWO driveways ae lndie~tad, plue aa <br />eaaesant f.or public roadwaq, providi¢; eaeC aud wesl• accase, om tLa <br />; ^ou[h 30 feet of all Chree p4rcela owaed. They should •leo eetablie6 <br />, \,. <br />d <br />i <br />I <br />s <br />
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