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1979-05-23 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1979-05-23 PC Minutes
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PROOSBDIN6S OF TRB PLANNYN6 COHMI38SON <br />CITY OP MOUNDB VIBN <br />~ AAHB&Y COUNTY~ MINN860TA <br />r <br />A r~eulaz maetiag oF eho Mouade Vlnw Plsnni¢g Cammieeion wae callad ta <br />order hy Chaitpar~on flAake at 7s30 pH on May 23, 1979 at tha Hounda Vlew <br />ClCy Aall, 2401 ~ighNay 10, Mouads Viaw MN 55112. <br /> AL80 PR888NTt <br />NSMBBRB pREBRNTs Oouncilmsmber Forslund <br />CLairpar~oa Haake euilding 3 2oniqg O.Pflnial Aose <br />Commie~ion Namber H2anchard <br />Aammieeion Mambet Fedar MSMBSAS A888 T(axcusmd) <br />Commiuiop Mambar Olaaar Oummi~i~on NambaY Peaumora <br />Commi~rlao Mamber Quan Oommiseion M~mbar Ooabal <br /> Commireion Haober Durmaieter <br /> Commieoion Manber Pore (unaxcueed) <br />Chsirpareon Uaeka auggaot~d tho folloui¢g correcCioa nt Che K~q 4, 2979 <br />minuCae: Oa paga 4, undar #7, aeco¢d 1lna, change. . botwaen 6ounty koad <br />H and O1~ Cantrsl. , to raed as followe: .. ou Couaty Road I betweeq <br />Highxay 10 and Otd Ceaeral. <br />NSP (Haak~/4uan) eha mtnutea of Mgy 9, 1979 bo approvad as correct~d. <br />5 ayas <br />~ Offioial Roea reviewad the propoead plan. McDo¢aYd's, 7,ocated at 2201 <br />~; Hig4pay YU~ 6as zaqueetad the addition of a driva-through e~rvica M~.M.dOM. <br />~ TLe ox~sking eouing Le A-4, 8anaral Bueinesa Shoppiug Caatar. ~xiating <br />usa, ae v~ll ae addition r~qaest uaega, would 6e Conditional Uoe, H-3. <br />~, Tha laqd use map de¢otas the area as Highway Commsrcial. Parking re9uiras <br />Lt 73-9§'x 20' and 2-Y2' x 20' epacae for Aendiaapped. Tha latter ia eot <br />~;, ehown oa HcDo~ald'e propoeed plan; however, the plaq cauld b• modSfied to <br />' provide 71-9' x 20' spacme aad tao 12' x 20' epacea. Their pian ehows the <br />, required 30-foot aide corxidar for emerge¢cy vehicle ueaga, a0 well ae <br />r; praviding for 6 vehlcl• etacking for pick-up et the driva-in ~indow. <br />'' Ordinenca 40.04~ 8ubd:vielon 0, raquiree either 6-8 foot fenca or berm <br />npproxlmsCe2y S Eaet high tor ecraeaing. Tha soning map shavs Cha arca <br />" to the eaet to ba commarcial, although 9taff canuot distinguieh whethrr <br />2h~ asa: to the west ia eingle Pemily or commercial. There ie an exieCiag <br />housc to t4a wast uow. If tha zooe is reaidential, a 10-foot eatbaok Se <br />ii requizad{ wLeteae if the zona if commercial, only a 5-foot eatback ie <br />required. xh~ applicant is preeantly eho~lag a 7.5-fooC o~tback on the <br />plmn. Sknff recommonde a Fonce be extendnd eo screeu ~he eiogle frmily <br />homa. TLa davelopment vould creaCe additions: ru¢-off. Tha dralaaga <br />district at full developm~nh eou'id ba iaedequrte Eor Ch.u~-year etorm. <br />Ef tha additioa is slloued, the devnlopmaat agceament should lueludo <br />ecreanin~, perking epaca matkiGgt, aanc*«te cuzb and gutCar, aad eigo~~e; <br />~~ and a bond ehould encompasa theee reqairemeate per tbolY vaiuetioq. <br />~r. S[eve Simpaoc, reprasenting rieDonald's, added ehat KcDOneld'e Se <br />willing to comply with whatevec the city sequizes. <br />s <br />
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