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Mny 9, 1979 <br />Page 2 <br />ahairparao¢ H~~ke quasCioned what percentaga of HeDonald'e bualnaea wo~~ld <br />be eetimstad to uee the drive-Chrough vindoW. Mr~ Bi~psoa rapliad it aould <br />~ ~ha npproximetaly 1/3 oE Lhair busiaaee. Ho want on to edd Chat, £or thie <br />/' ~eason, thay could probably uee leno parking spacea. He addad thet !ha <br />' layout ir axCremaly elarn with no cuekomar tra£f!c croesing lanaa oF <br />Aigbw~y 10 sinc• KcDonxld'e ie locaC~d oc an ~xiCj the enEranca would be <br />to tha e~~t end axl.t !o tha waet. lta Pa~le the eame cusEomere thet •at <br />Snside w,i;ld contiaua uns tha drlve~throuQh aill ptovida additional serviae. <br />Chairpatson Naaka aakad whether the owner oF the houea next doot 6~d ~aen <br />tuformad oP Cha propoNal. Hr. Bimpson rapl4ad thmy hava pariodically <br />kalked to tha r~~idenE and fsel thay have a guod relatlonehip, but hevu <br />not lnPormad him of tho propnaed ^ddltion as yet. <br />It wae th~ geaaeal famling a£ the Pl~nnirtg Commiaeioa thae thie reoldent <br />ehould ba SnFarmed and iutita3 by tha Pl~nning Commiseton to voice hie <br />commenta or obJactions. <br />Cheirpetaon Haeke comaent~d tha gxaen apaca batamen Che houea apd MuDonsld'e <br />vaa good and suggested Che hcight af tke Eance ba ~aareaeed, perhapa to <br />Chc meafmum 8 faea L•o screan ae much noiae ae poseible. Mr. Bimpeon <br />ladlcat4d tpey uouid b• willtng to ecrea¢, berm, etc. wh~teser tha cf.ty <br />requirss of thum. 8a sCaCed Chay would oika to know if zhe ~eCbacM re~ <br />quiramont vauld ba 10 Peat or 5 feaC. <br />Nr. Bimpsoa fslt thare would be little dieturbance to tha reeideut froa <br />xigdts, that Che ~aio oM~ectioa would be cere going Chrough. Ghairperaon <br />Heake auggneted Ehe noiee, aspecially in the e~mmar, could ba a r¢al <br />~iieturbaar.e, <br />MSP (Olasar/Quan) to tabld tha requeee Sor HcDonald's drlv~-[hrough vindow <br />nddition~ abuttieg raeldaotLal proparty~ uctil that teaident is Pozmally <br />qotified. Tha raqusak rhould ba placad oa tha June 6 meaCing agende, with <br />tha rssident baing invited to expraes his viawe at that time. <br />5 ayee <br />MINQ~ SOBDL9I3ION~-HAYPO$T BUILDBA6--7749 GBSSNWOOD D&IV6 <br />OfEir.3a1 Roae raviawed the proposad plan ac followa: Baypor[ Buildars <br />propoea to eubdivida 7749 Uroanwood Drive fsom one lot i¢to :ao. T6e <br />area dae baen before tha pianniug Commiasion befora when tha applicant <br />praviouely requaeted eubdivieian of six lote Snto ten. T6a couicg Se <br />niagls family and propo~ad ueaga ia for tvo siagle family h~mea. Tha lot <br />qiae meate requirema¢te. 9ewsr and wa[er ie available on IIroenwood Drivo. <br />Tha atorm eawar syetem le inadequeta Eor thran-yaas sCOrm at full devalop- <br />menk. Tha immediate area 4e earved by a catch b~nin ooutL oP tha proparty <br />on Cxaenwood Drive. Tha erea 6ae exparle¢ced stendiag vatar ~n !he etreet <br />duriag Laavy etorme. Davelopment of thia pronazty would incra~ea the <br />drainage impact. <br />Mc. Villalla, repreeemting Baypork Buildars, hed no FurChas oommants to <br />aAd te QEfieial Roae'e raport. <br />Commieeion Mamber Quaa queeCiuaed why they mte planaiag davelopmanC Por <br />- ~,tu.t thaaa t!oo loCe. Nr. Villella explalaed de holde a purchase agree- <br />~~rrmnnt on only C6eea two late~ H• indicated thera wsre ao plane for tha <br />additional srea aG thla tlma but, if the land ie atill availsble sfEsr <br />