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1979-05-23 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1979-05-23 PC Minutes
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~ .~ •May 9, 1979 <br />Page 4 <br />Offlcial Roae !ndlcatad he hed dLecueead thie matter praviously vith Ciky <br />AtCOrnay ~eyera. If ehase ie a quasCion about vhet khe appllceaC ie <br />doLng, than tha opner may be requeeted to appear. He racommended tho <br />~lanni¢g Commieeion eddreee Che aubdivieion of anly oae lot. <br />HSP (Aeaka/Dlanchard) Go recommend to the Co~ncil thet they upprova the <br />minor eubdivision for Hayport Buildara at 7749 6raeowood Driva into Cao <br />percele, each 82.5' wida x 291' daep. 3 ayes <br />2 nays <br />Chairpereon Raaka further requeetad the documant be eubmitted to 0lty <br />Attorney Mnyera ao he rnn glve hie recammendation to facilite the Oounell. <br />Commiaeion Mnmber Glazar etated he couldn't eae that legally aayChing <br />more can ba rcad inko the buildere' requeet regarding d~epoaLtioa oY <br />the tutal area tt~an what iw boing reyueeted. <br />Commleeion Mambar Fedor voked ia favor of Cabliog the request eo the <br />'r^;auuiny Com~ieoion coa13 kave a12 iatereated partf.en enna~r, HIe Purthar <br />expreeeed aoncmra L•or the additional run-off created by khia development <br />aod quaetioned Hhatber o¢-eit¢ reCention might Fa a poeeibility. OffScial <br />Aoae ~odiaated there wae nothtng arirtan as yet ragardiag on-eita ratencto¢ <br />for ,mtnor subdlvistons, but It Is a reasonable concern. <br />MINOR SUBDIVISION--8490 8UN[7YBIDS ROAD--RBNNBTH SJODIN <br />OfEicial 6aee reviawad eLe xequest. A raqueet for disposition of thie <br />parcel hae beeu b¢fore the Planning Gommiee~on before, ae ea irragular <br />haped lct aleh f2vo eidea. Tha preaenC proposal ie to break off the <br />6'x 90' ractangular ehapad parael to b~ added to khe lot fsonri¢g <br />Couuty Road J. S~Nar and watex uould not be af.feeCed; the Snta¢ded une <br />far the eusll area would be gardening. BEaff rncqmmende the psrcel should <br />be show¢ ae part of tha legal Aescrlptioo of 2708 Coun[y Roed J. <br />Nhan aekad by Commiaeion Membar Quan if there ie a house preeently oa <br />Lot $2, Mr. Sjodin replied thare ie. <br />Chairpereon 8aaka saked whaGher Nr. S~odin had a letter of agreemaut <br />and ~n indicated ha had such a leeter from Mr. Buzzell and aleo a letrer <br />from Hr. Petroveki inteading thie parcel bn addad to fiie domeetead. <br />Mr. 9iodin rteted ha didn't feal it could Ua mede a parC oE tha legal <br />deacriptioa, but will be pnre of hie hameateaG. <br />H8P (Quaa/Olazer) tu recommend to Che Couacil Chay approva the raqunet <br />to subdivide t6e 30' x 90' araa from 8490 Suaayeide Bond to 27U8 County <br />Road J, w:tk tho provlsien that tha 30' x 90' par~el be attached to the <br />daed., anC bacome part of the legal description~ oP 2708 County Road J. <br />5 ayee <br />HINOR SUBDIVISION--8100 C&OVSLAND 80Ab--KENN6TH SJODIN <br />Official Roa~ sxplained ti~o propoeed x~queet. Thie parcei of laad has <br />baon before the PYenning Commiseion Leforo whon ths City ehanged tha <br />olicy tdat any lut vith LSG feet or more eould be subdivided aqually, <br />~rovidad tMat all setbacks of exlsting bulldings coutd be met. <br />
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