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Mny 9, 1979 Page 3 <br />complatto¢ of theea two homes, thay may purcheea tha olher loke £or <br />devalopma¢E, depending on eost aod property ^trucCUre. He also indicatad <br />he ceae evara that aode !e 82~' lota, and Chat sewar/water. have bAan <br />~Lubbad, two per lot, w~ich eaema to suggeet the lote aould be eplit <br />in half. <br />CUP.~SS~~06 Kamber Quaa read from Ordinaace $420.7 which w~uld raquire a <br />Nlaa •howing developmant of ad~oiniog property. <br />Mayor McCarty called attentlon to Ordiaenca 0420.5, Sublteieion 1, <br />B~ctiou 2, aCatiug Chat iF a property Sa bougi~t by Purchasa Agreement, <br />all partlae of intareat ehould be rapraaented. <br />HB (Ha~ke/Quan) to table this requeet by Haqport Buildera unttl the nexk <br />Planning Commiesioa m~eting Sune 6 uo that the Cammleeion can requaer <br />lnformatlon of all intereated parCiae, according Co Ordiaa¢ce 4420.5, <br />8ubdivleLon 1, IIectio¢ 2. Z•Yem <br />(Motion faile) 3 naye <br />Mr. Villalla indlcated thare wae only one otUer party iuvolved and tLat <br />wse Mr. Vano, avner of the proparty. Four monthe ago, Bappore Nulldare <br />a¢CereA lnto !he Purchase Agruement which hae bnea eince changed ro <br />purcLaee thle lot only. Aa far ae Le koowe, Mr. Veno hae nut sold tha <br />remaining lote. <br />Offlai~l &oae iadicated Chat if the Planning Commieolna deamed it <br />necsseary, Hr. Veno cou~d be required to epeak for the development <br />oE tha axaa. <br />~Commiesion Mewbcr Hlanchard queetioned if the Purchaea Agrnament wae <br />binding, would thara by anq prublem witk eubdividing lt. <br />Oomuioelon Mamber Fedor expreeead concarc that, if th• lot ie subdividid <br />~nd davaloped, the tuaoff would eauee a problam a¢d requira a differant <br />ntor~ eexer eyetem. <br />C6airpar.son flaakc expresead co¢aern that tha whola area ehouid ba con- <br />siderad sather than ~uot thle portion. Mr. Villella replied tia only <br />wanted a simple lot eplit and wae not i¢v~ived xith the remalnins area <br />CommieeLon Membar Fador queetionad•vhat acCioa had taken placa on Che <br />pr~viou~ psoposal. Mr. Vi],lolla etatad the4r proposal had beo¢ paosed <br />by tha Planning CommLeaicn but uevar votad on by Counell. Maqar McCarty <br />lndScatad tha ~ouncil had tabled ehe requ¢et until 111egally dumped dirt <br />could ba ramovad from the properCy e,nd, Sn Che mnantima, ehe requeet aae <br />withdsa~n. <br />H8 (Quaa/8aeke) to amend the previoue motion to requeet that City Attorney <br />Richard Mayer.e look into CiCy Ordinancee to nae if these would be aoy <br />particular problows regsrding tha raqueet o£ khie aimpla qubdivicioa or <br />~h~uld ik ba revi~wad Mad disaueeed as a emal2ar parcel ot a~arger <br />Yutura £oraaaen sabd4vision in accoxdance witd i420.7, 8ubdivieion 4, <br />Bectioa 2. 2 ~Y°w <br />(Motiou fail~) 3 naye <br />~ <br />