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1979-06-06 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1979-06-06 PC Minutes
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1 <br />PP,OCSBDIN69 OF Tllg PLANNINO COMFtiB8I0K <br />CITY OF MOUNDB VIBN <br />RAM88Y COUNT%~ MINNBBOTA <br />~A ragular meetiag oF the Mounde View Plaanlug Oommieeion wse callad to <br />ordar by C~mmieeion Mamber Qlazer at 7t35 PM on Juue 6, 1979 at tha Hounde <br />Viav City 8ai1, 2401 8lghway 10, Hounds Viev HN 55112. <br />NSHD&R8 PA888NTt AL90 PflSSBNTt <br />Qommi~siott Hembar Bla~achard Cou¢cilmember Poraluud <br />Commiaeion Nember Durmeleter $nginearing Tachnician Kampel <br />6ammieslon Mamber Freemore <br />Commieaion t4amber Paee MSMSSRS AB68NT: (excused) <br />Commf.aeion Hember 6lazer Chalrpareo¢ Ilaake <br />Commieeion Hamber (3oebal Commieaien Memb~r Pador <br /> f'ommieuion Member Quaa <br />MSY (Paea:Praemora) the minutae af Hay 23, 1979 ba approved. 6 ayee <br />CP.RA48 SBTBACR VARIANCE--L60NARll CECilY--2295 TERRACE DRTVB <br />Bnginaaring Tachuiclan Rampel explainad that the propaYty is locsted at <br />tha corner uf Terraae Drive G Jackson Drive. The coda requirea a 30-fooe <br />eetback fxom both Lrontagee. Tha axiating garaga bae a satback of 5.25 ft. <br />and the propoaed garage vould have a 7-foot eatb~;~:k. A variance of 23 Ft. <br />ie tharefore required. The exieting lot is 80 feaC wide, whidh ie eu~- <br />ataadard to ths pxeeant code requiriag 100 faet on both sCznet frontagee. <br />oewAnsion Member BurmeleCex iuquired why t4a nev garage couldn't ba <br />~can~tructed to aaet ooda. Bngiaeering Ti0CI1IlICLA6 Rampel repliad it would <br />greatly reduee tha applicant'e backyard. Mr. Cichy indicated it would <br />aleo naceeeitate thc rcmoval of a ehade tree. <br />kr. Cishy aeked the Commiasiao if tba 30-foot eahback vae meaear~d <br />fxou tha center of tbe etroet. Engineering Techcician Rampal indicatnd it <br />vae meaerared from the property lot liae. <br />Commieaiun Membar Ooebal asked hoa far tbe garaga vould be from Terrace <br />Driva. tir, Cichy raplled it wculd be 87 feeC. <br />Commiesion Kembar Burmaieter inquired vhathar tha old garage aould be t~rn <br />dowe. Hr. CSshy replied it vould. <br />Commleoion Membar Freamore i¢quired if there wae a traffic controi on <br />either aCreet. rir. Cichp indicated there xsa oa Terrace llriva and, in <br />eheir aine you:s ae rasidente, ehere hae never been an accidaot. <br />Commisaioa Hambar Ooebel queationed the 6-foot eeparatioa between~qarage <br />and house. Hz. Cichy replied the oiry raquirea the 6-foot eeparatioa. <br />H8P (G;azas/Poee~ to accept the applfoeat's requoet ro construct [he nev <br />garage ic thA •pprnximate lncatio¢ of tt~e old gaeege xith the 7-foot <br />setbnck £rom thA lut liaa whicU r+ould reault ia u 23-fcot variance o£ <br />coda. 6 ayae <br />~ <br />.- <br />
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