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1979-06-06 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1979-06-06 PC Minutes
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<br />Juua 6, 1979 <br />Page 2 <br />Commieolon Idember ~oabei vent on to explaia that this motioq acknowledges <br />~thera hee been r.o hiatorical problem wiCh the tocation of tha old rtructure <br />wliich Se 1' 9" eluaer to the loe line. Thcra doeen't emem to ba a viable <br />al~arnative fox tha plaaamoa! of ehe garage aithout seriouely reduclnq Che <br />;; applicant's backyerd. <br />F DRT46WAY BBTBACR VARTANCS--RAYMOND ~ISASR--7909 SD6EWOOD BAIVE <br />Snglaeeriag Tachoioian Rampal exp~a.lned Chu Fishere i¢ta¢d Co pava r;~~~.~r <br />drivaw~y end ^ ekr~p slongeide the drive, Nhich would raeult in s 1-fooe <br />eetbeck aad the code rcyulrea a 5-fool• eetbnek. The pucpoee for tha paved <br />str,ip ie to park rocreatioael vehiclee near the gara~a. A herdship vould <br />ba requlrnd For e variauca of Ghe eode. <br />Mr. Fieher stared ehat, vithoun the additionul paved ecrig, C8u recreational <br />vehiclea vnuld heve to be parked half on snd half off the cameat. Ha aleo <br />statad he had receiwed tiin neighbor'e appruval. <br />CommLeeYoa Membar 9uebel expreseed consern reAardiog Che iacreaue in ~ <br />runoff vhic& vould, ba created. Mr. Pieher lndicated their property alopae ' <br />eo that khe weCer runs iato the eCreeh, a¢d tha ramaining vatar eeaps i¢to k <br />tha graund. Commteaiou Member Coebal explained thst, wil•h tha propooed <br />paving, more weter ~ill be runni¢g into tha etreat aod Sncreaeiog the etsain <br />on tha city etorm 0ewer ayetem. e <br />Commiesion Membar 6laaer aeked if the preeeat eituation wae intnlerablo. <br />~ <br />/"~~Iir. Pieher etateJ hn didn'k caxe for the eand and dizt bloxLng arouud ae ~ <br />a <br />~ it dnes. Commieeion Member Hurmeister questioned if Mr. Fieher had ever <br />coneidered put[iag in • paved dsive with a gravel e[rip elongeida. Mr. <br />Piaher fale that gravel wauisl not "etay ie place". Commieeion Hember i <br />~laser sCated hie feeling that, rith Mr. Piehe:'e 1-2X grade, the etonea ; <br />should sery in plaoa. , <br />CommiseLoa Hamber B~;a¢c6ard recallnd a houae on Orovelaad Roed that had <br />blacktopped vith a 1-foot eetback and tLay 6ad to remova nnd addere to <br />code. Commieaion liamber Burmaisler aleo indicatnd the City hae bean <br />etriatly adheriag to the 5-foot eetback code. <br />Peg Hountsin queetioned vhethar the eade apar.ifically atatmd eubetencee. <br />Cnmmiselo4 Hambur Burmeleker replied the codne statee eithar blacktop or <br />camc¢t. <br />Commieaion Mambar Foae pointed out that even it the praoent neighbor <br />approvad of t~e propoeed drivevay, aqother owner might aok. <br />MSP (Goabel/BUrmeieter) to deny ehe requeeG for dr4vexay variaace ~equeer, <br />of Raymond Pieher st 7909 Sdbewood Drive, for lack of hardship. <br />6 ayes <br />Commission Membar Goebai waut on ta atate the Plcaai¢g Commiaeion falt <br />the propoeed paved drivewaq wae in violation of code, but gravel aould <br />i~ facG enrve the aame purpoea of improving tlie appa.aranaa, eto., and <br />r'Saould aoC iacreaee the amoune of ru¢-off for tha approximsCely 646 eq. <br />~pft. fran garage to properry li¢e. <br />
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