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Hounde View planning Coamioeion Pege 2 <br />June 20, 1979 <br />Chairparson Haake seked Mr. Newman what tha hardship vac in thla pasa. <br />r. Nawman rapliad ~ha houee rae sold apA ha canaot huild withoiet khe <br />+ermit. Commieolou Member BurmeieCer raplied the herdehip vae a moaetary <br />ona a¢d cauld not be dealt wltli. Commieoion Nembar Ooebel etetad L•heC the <br />ord4naneee were !n exleCauca Lsfore Hr. Neamao sold tha ho~aee. <br />Commiaeiou Mamber Olasar sugQneted the hazdshlp cighC be tha eubetandard <br />lot. Ka furlhar suggeetad khe quallCy of khs propoend houee be conaidared. <br />NB (acabal/Burmaleter) to dany the raquaot for variaace for lack oP hardship. <br />(WOommleeion Membars Doebel 2 eyue* <br />and Burmeletar) 5 naye <br />H8P (Ulrcer/Fedor) to gra¢E Da Lan Buildare~ 2701 Ardau Avanue, a variaqaa <br />af 10.33 feat for tha rear yard ectback. Coneidoration was given Co the <br />fact thmre ~s littla flaxibiliey in plaaing an adaqu~te structure that v1.11 <br />bn in conformlCy with the qunllty of tha surroa¢ding dmvelopmamt on a aub- <br />etandard cornar lot. <br />5 ayae <br />~*Cammieoinn Membare Ooebel 't naye* <br />sod Burmaietur) <br />CommSssion H~mbax Qoabex etaked Che houee could be errangnd sucL thaC it <br />wonld faca 8unnyeide and anet codn raquLramente. <br />6onniseion Hamber Hurmeistsr otated the hardehlp wae monatary, particularly <br />,e~acause oE ignoranca of tha lav, and aleo the buildar apearently did not <br />~tp2ora with cheagi¢g the houoe to face the eEraet or slCernatxve plaus. <br />FBONT BARD BBTBAC& VARIANCB--6RB4 HAACYNIAK--7565 SPRINR LARB ROAD <br />OPPic4a! Rosn ~xplalned tha praperty !s located mid-block oF Broneon and <br />Couuty Rd. I on Bpriag Lake Road on t„h• eaat eide. Tha lot !s 82~ faeb <br />and L' davelopad on botfi eidee. Tha applicant te reque0ting a satback of <br />appr:~+z',mataly 72 feet dua to an exieticg trae he aieha~ to eava. Tha <br />eatbacke m the eidse ar~ to the eoukh 57.8 fee~ aad eo Eka nnsth, 66 feat. <br />4U.OS 8ubdivision Ca etatee that, in oo casa, ehould a front yard eetback <br />ba laes than 30 feet or more than 50 feet, or tha sverage of the adj~eenC <br />structuras. <br />Yir. Harciniak erated he had epent ovor a year deeigning tha housa to £it <br />the lot, lncorporating eha full-grown willow tree. He etated La ha• <br />measuued and £alt he wae approximately even ailh Cha ualghbor L•o the, uorth. <br />A diecuesion kook place regarding interpretation of the code. OF£1C~,A1 <br />Rosa lndicated the old code had etated the ftont setback ehouLd be 30 faet <br />or ali3ned KLth axieting etructurae. It ras updat~d to alloa setbacke the <br />avarage of ad~aconC struceurtle. The ldea of keaping hauees toyard tha Froat <br />of Ehe loCS vill provide Eor ordarly development ic [~e futura and ~duuld <br />stremts go through, k8e 1ot~ could be split and etill allow for ordarly <br />Prontagos. <br />~~ Mo~ncatn e~~~neeted 2he ~od~ nculd t~ xe-drS:L~n shaagiag ". .•Fa E.cnt <br />~rd minimum catback" to "...the front yard maximum satback" and dropping <br />ha last liaa, 8ha further e[a[ad it !s aot deoirable or aeethetic to hav <br />~neveo •etbacMs reeulting in different laagth drivewaye. <br />