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1979-06-20 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1979-06-20 PC Minutes
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Mounde View Planning Conmisalon Page 9 <br />Juna 20, 1979 <br />haizpereon Haaka sCatad thle leeue shouid ba dianusee3 vith ci~a plaaning <br />asuleant aa Lo hce deP~eltive the co3e ahould be. <br />~; M3Y (Haake;Alenchard) to grant rhe varianae for drag Maxciaiak, 7i65 Spring <br />~ Lake Road Eo allov hie houee to be ceCback approximnkaly 72 feet from Che <br />aCraat rigdt-of-way. This variance hae baeo graatad eo the fxont yard <br />- oatback a112 coaform wlth the astsbliebad Eront yard eatbacks ad;acent to <br />hi~ loC, tha north lot satback being approximately 66 Pnnt and Che souCh <br />eaEback apptoxSmsEely 57.8 feet. <br />b ayee <br />;, (~GommiesSon Nember Ooebal)1 aay* <br />Commieaian Nember Ooebal statad the reseon he voted nay was b~causa he <br />falt uo varianca wae naeded. He vdqt oa eo ekate he fniC Mr. Harclnisk'e <br />~tr.hwr.ti vae vitbin h!^ coacepk of"avarogs". <br />MAJOA BUBDIVISION--W. R PORDER & JAMBS L. TRllCKRR--2179 MUSTANO AOAD (APPRdX.) <br />Offlclal Rose explai¢ad that t~e Plsnniag Commieelon had revieaed and <br />approved tha subdivialoo at ehe June b maeting; bovaver, aiaoe Chat tima <br />the davelopar requesta a minor ehange in t1~e eubd~vieion lince. The <br />originel plat p~ovidad for eight loCe but, beaeuse of pnor aoil, the <br />developar wants to dissolva lot ~3 and add half oE !ot 43 to loC 42 and <br />half tc lot #4. T6e eoil ie poor becauee fill had been added ta a low <br />erea at one t~me. Thie area would be ueed Eoc parking and graen area. <br />3~~i1 tente~heve~~.ihdieated the remaiaing eo11 Se very good. <br />,,ommieaLoc Hamber Qochel etated bn would lika some aesurance that compaCible <br />dmvalopmeat• vould taka pZece within tlic iadustrial complex. Se went on to <br />e.ate that devalopmeaC bf ona lot may contsibute to drainsge problame, <br />traEPic pcoblamr, air pollutloo, etc. of the oCher lote. O~ficlal Soea <br />stutad khat each devalopmant vauld be presenCed to the Planning Cummieeioa <br />ae LL• ie propoeed. He further atatad that drainage rnquireaente ehou.".d be <br />accotding to Raeolution •983, air pollutinn !e coatrollnd by the 4.II.A., and <br />Cheir eCreet plaad are adequata. <br />Commiaetoa Member Qlssnr staCad he atill had probleme the impact of thie <br />type of d9vela,pmaot on flood plaias vhich are etill uneeteblie6ed. Ha <br />further atated it would be dasirable Co have Rica Crenk Waterehed aed other <br />agenciae' inpute brfora Planning Commiesioa raviea. Officlal Rosa expreee8d <br />h!s coocern that alca Cteek WaCerahad~ P,C.A, and other agenciea ehould noe <br />influence the Gity by their regulatione, Ha ststed that, ae c zula, 81ce <br />Craek Matershad Eoeen'C vant ko review a propoeal until after the City hae <br />approvad !t. Op Co this poiqt, proposals preaeated to Rice Creek Hatershad <br />have aither met or exceedad thaix raquiremaoCe. <br />Cqmmiesioo Mamhar dlaser etaCed thia eubdivieion $ivae tha davaloper tha <br />rignC to peti[ion for aewar and vnCar and he le uneura the CLCy should <br />uadurvrlCe the axpanse ahen !te unknow¢ what a111 be bullt. Offioial Aose <br />indicaCad the dovalopar would pay for public improvemaate. <br />°ag Mouatsin que~cioned vhether thia davelopment ~e,s similar to that aY <br />nlty M~a Prupaxtieo. Official Aosa ataCad Realhy Hsa Fropertiea wao <br />onau P.U.D., wlxlch ~hio gropaaal io aot. Commiseioa Mamber Ooebel poinked <br />ouk thst Raalty Xaa Yropestiea vere ciilling Lo commit thamselvae es Co wtiat <br />
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