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u. ~ <br />~ Mounde Viav PlanninR Co~mleeton <br />Pego 6 <br />Juoe 20, 1?74 <br />A diecueeion Cook place regarding whether or noE tha Planning Commissioa <br />hould limit itsel£ Co itame on ehe agenda~ or be opan to other lteme. <br />~finiai Roee indiaated he had told lha BUuqe and Hr. Bowman tholr requesCe <br />oald be pcceentad~ buE the Plancing Commieeion may or may not make u <br />decision un it that night. Pag Mounhain euggesCed a Cime 1LmiE be impoeed <br />oa non-ageud• peCitio¢are. <br />Oommiesion Hembere decidad that non-egenda ltams aill be Leard{ howaver <br />patltionare ehould ba awara they may or may not reeetve aa actioa--it may <br />be -~Led For later action. <br />Commiasion Membere dec~ded tha next meeC:ing w~uld ba July 3~ 1979. <br />Offiuial Roso raqueeted a special meeting Thureday, June 21, 1979 at 7t30 PM <br />r~gardtng the planaing saaaulCant ealection. The Howman leeua will be <br />discuoned at that L•ime. Nutice to thie effect vill be poatad on Che public <br />board~ a¢d Doamiaalcn Member Q~en Nitl be notified. <br />Chairparaon Haake reromnandad Peg Mouatair to the Planning Commiooion Ca <br />fill the absanca created by Hr. Poae' reeigqation. <br />N3P (Gaebel/9aake) to racommend Feg Mountala to rhe Plauuing Commieeiua <br />to raplase Joa Foes. Thia ancommandaCion racognise9 Yeg'o many nontributioae <br />of the laeE tiix monthe while aerving ae an ax ofPict~ momber. of the Plaoning <br />Commleainn,whicfi 6ae yxapared her to fill such n vacaacy. <br />~~ayec <br />P(OoebaY/Frcamora) Lc e3~ourn 6ha meeting aC 12:40 YM. <br />&aepactfully eubmittad, <br />, <br />Stevec A. &oes; <br />8uilding 8 Zoniag Of£iciai <br />~, <br />